American Homicide explores mysterious and iconic murder cases from all across America. Whether it’s the spacious skies and vast deserts of New Mexico or the bac...
In the conclusion of “The Rabbi’s Wife,” the trial of Rabbi Fred Neulander reaches a dramatic climax. As Neulander defends himself on the stand, the prosecution's star witness, Len Jenoff, faces intense scrutiny. Before the high-stakes trial is over, someone finally breaks their silence. Reach out to the American Homicide team by emailing us: [email protected]. See for privacy information.
S1: E10 – Who Killed Carol? Part 2
Rabbi Fred Neulander’s controversial polygraph and bizarre relationship with his private investigator fuels suspicions about his involvement in his wife’s murder. The twist? The Rabbi’s private investigator confesses to the crime and reveals a dark murder-for-hire conspiracy. Reach out to the American Homicide team by emailing us: [email protected]. See for privacy information.
BONUS: Unpacking David Parker Ray: “The Toy Box Killer”
Known as “The Toy Box Killer”, David Parker Ray was never charged with murder. However, he is believed to be responsible for 45-60 unsolved murders. Sloane unpacks the chilling story with Andrea Gunning (host of “Betrayal”) and Ben Fetterman (co-host of “There and Gone: South Street”). Reach out to the American Homicide team by emailing us at [email protected]. See for privacy information.
S1: E9 – Who Killed Carol? Part 1
A young EMT responded to a call at his home. Inside he found his mother, Carol Neulander, brutally murdered. Carol was the wife of Rabbi Fred Neulander. The investigation reveals startling details about Rabbi Fred and Carol’s marriage and a mysterious suspect known as “the bathroom man”. Reach out to the American Homicide team by emailing us at [email protected]. See for privacy information.
S1: E8 – The Toy Box Killer, Part 3
In the final episode of The Toy Box Killer story, David Parker Ray’s defense attorney, Lee McMillian, describes the disturbing case. We follow along from emotional testimonies to the challenge of securing justice for Ray's victims. Reach out to the American Homicide team by emailing us at [email protected]. If you would like to find out more about the nonprofit organization called Safe Streets New Mexico mentioned by Cynthia Vigil, please visit this link.See for privacy information.
American Homicide explores mysterious and iconic murder cases from all across America. Whether it’s the spacious skies and vast deserts of New Mexico or the backwaters of the Louisiana bayou, these murders are connected to their settings. Journalist Sloane Glass leads you through each crime with interviews from the victim's family and investigators.