Created by Michael Adams, author of The Murder Squad and Hanging Ned Kelly, Forgotten Australia delves deep into bloody crimes, dark histories, unsolved mysteri...
In 1954 popular Sydney model Shirley Beiger went on trial for the shooting murder of her boyfriend, with the already sensational proceedings made wilder by her outbursts, a media frenzy, the appearance of a crazed mystic, the accused's unruly cheer squad and a confused verdict. Next month, the Sydney Festival premieres The Model Murder, based on this scandalous case. In the meantime, here's a reprise of the 2019 Forgotten Australia episode that first explored Shirley's story in all its strange and colourful detail.Check out my new book, They’ll Never Hold Me Forgotten Australia:Apple - - [email protected] Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
The Model & The Murder Case – Part One
Seventy years ago – in 1954 – glamorous Sydney model Shirley Beiger shot her lover dead outside a city nightclub. But why did she kill him — and what punishment would she face?Next month, the Sydney Festival premieres The Model Murder, based on this scandalous case. In the meantime, here's a reprise of the 2019 Forgotten Australia episode that first explored Shirley's story in all its strange and colourful detail.Check out my new book, They’ll Never Hold Me Forgotten Australia:Apple - - [email protected] Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Vanishing Cousins – Part Two: The Suspects
In April 1974, teenage cousins Yvonne Waters and Raelene Eaton went to a surfside pub in Perth to enjoy a Sunday session. They were never seen again, victims of an unknown killer or killers. In recent years, veteran journalist and television producer Melenie Ambrose has investigated this haunting cold case. In part two of this two-part interview episode, Melenie tell us about the police’s murder suspects, her recent discoveries of vital new evidence and her hopes that there might still be a breakthrough that’ll bring the killer or killers to justice.Watch Vanishing Cousins at: 1800 333 000 Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Vanishing Cousins – Part One: The Disappearance
In April 1974, teenage cousins Yvonne Waters and Raelene Eaton went to a surfside pub in Perth to enjoy a Sunday session. They were never seen again, victims of an unknown killer or killers. In recent years, veteran journalist and television producer Melenie Ambrose has investigated this haunting cold case. In part one of this two-part interview episode, Melenie discusses the lead-up to the disappearance of the girls and why the police didn’t take their families’ fears of foul play seriously.Watch Vanishing Cousins at: Crimestoppers 1800 333 000 Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Michael Adams talks They’ll Never Hold Me with Australian True Crime – Part Two
They’ll Never Hold Me is in bookstores now. Michael sat down with Meshel Laurie of the Australian True Crime podcast to talk all things Kevin John Simmonds. Part Two covers Simmo’s 1959 crime spree and the first few weeks of what was the largest manhunt in Australian history. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Created by Michael Adams, author of The Murder Squad and Hanging Ned Kelly, Forgotten Australia delves deep into bloody crimes, dark histories, unsolved mysteries, eccentric personalities and bizarre happenings that are almost always stranger than fiction. Each episode brings to life people and events that were once known to everyone but are now barely remembered by anyone. Based on intensive original research, Forgotten Australia is crafted with a novelist’s eye for character and detail to create gripping narratives that sound so fresh it's like they're ripped from today's headlines. This is the history you wish you’d been taught in school.You can get early ad-free access and bonus Forgotten Australia episodes by subscribing at Apple or supporting at Patreon. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.