Neil (The Muscle) Cummins. A notorious Sydney hard man who spent 15 years on the doors of the cities most prestigious nightclubs, managing the streets for the K...
People Judge Us On Our Past | Ron Isherwood Part 2
Ron Isherwood has lived wild life of gangs, prison and drug addiction. He has sinced turned his back on crime and drugs, using his freedom to help others escape drug addiction and avoid the life that he onced livedSee for privacy information.
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REWIND: They Were Rats
This is a Rewind to Season 3 of Secrets of the Underworld feat. Graham 'Abo' Henry In part 2 of Neil's chat with Graham 'Abo' Henry, we hear stories of robberies, murder and Graham catching rats.See for privacy information.
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I Had No Respect For Human Life | Ron Isherwood Part 1
Ron Isherwood has lived wild life of gangs, prison and drug addiction. He has sinced turned his back on crime and drugs, using his freedom to help others escape drug addiction and avoid the life that he onced livedSee for privacy information.
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REWIND: Noone's making fun music anymore!
Nick Skitz is an dance music icon who has seen just about everything in the club and music scenes. In this rewind he shares his views on the state of music today. Hear more of Nick Skitz back in season 7 of Secrets of the UnderworldSee for privacy information.
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9/11 Survivor | Tom Canavan
Tom Canavan was a securities specialist working in the North Tower on 9/11 who survived the collapse of the Twin Towers. He shares his story of what happened that day and how he escaped the rubble and even tried to walk to his home in upstate New York.See for privacy information.
Neil (The Muscle) Cummins. A notorious Sydney hard man who spent 15 years on the doors of the cities most prestigious nightclubs, managing the streets for the Kings of the Cross and watching the backs of some of Sydney’s most famous and infamous underworld identities. Joined by world-renowned psychic Tracey Lee, Secrets of the Underworld is not for the faint at heart, an insightful and real look into the Sydney Underworld and the real Kings Cross between 1998 - 2013.
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