Hosted by Matt Keenan, join us on "Road to the World Tour," where we dive deep into the lives of pro cyclists, both current and former. Through captivating inte...
In this episode of "Road to the World Tour" Matt Keenan chats with a man who stood on the Tour de France Podium in 2020, Richie Porte. We chat with Richie about his early career and how he transitioned from triathlon into road cycling. Richie turned pro at the age of 24, foreign in today's environment, and how this helped the longevity of his career. Richie also passes on some solid advice for the next generation looking to find their own road to the World Tour.
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Jack Haig's road to Team Bahrain Victorious
Matt Keenan chats with Australian rider Jack Haig who is one of the few Australian's to finish on the podium of a grand tour. Jack opens up about his early days on the mountain bike and how he ended up in Europe racing at the top level. Jack also passes on plenty of tips for young riders wanting to take their career to the next level.
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Lauretta Hanson's road to Lidl-Trek
In our debut episode of "Road to the World Tour," Matt Keenan sits down with the remarkable Australian cyclist, Lauretta Hanson. Join us as Lauretta shares her inspiring journey into the world of cycling, heavily influenced by her mother Heather, a national road champion in 1981. Hear firsthand accounts of the challenges and triumphs that shaped her career and gain a unique perspective on what it's like competing at the highest levels of the sport today. Whether you're a seasoned cyclist or just discovering the passion, Lauretta's story offers valuable insights and a deeper appreciation for the dedication and resilience needed to make it in the World Tour.
To check out all the latest news on the ProVelo Super League go to;
Hosted by Matt Keenan, join us on "Road to the World Tour," where we dive deep into the lives of pro cyclists, both current and former. Through captivating interviews, we uncover the incredible journeys and stories of these athletes, offering insights and lessons for the next generation. Whether you're a passionate cyclist or just curious about the sport, our series will give you a new appreciation for the challenges and triumphs that come with making it in the world of professional cycling. Tune in for inspiring tales, behind-the-scenes glimpses, and a newfound respect for the sport.