Hosted by Matt Keenan, join us on "Road to the World Tour," where we dive deep into the lives of pro cyclists, both current and former. Through captivating inte...
In this episode of "Road to the World Tour" Matt Keenan chats with Canyon-SRAM rider Tiffany Cromwell. Tiffany chats about her pathway into cycling and how she was identified by the AIS talent ID program in 2002. From there Tiffany journeyed her way up the ranks and obtaining a pro contract in 2010. She passes on plenty of tips for the next bunch of ridings striving to make it to the World Tour.
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Jay Vine's road to UAE Team Emirates
In this episode of "Road to the World Tour" Matt Keenan chats with UAE Team Emirates rider Jay Vine. Jay chats about his unique journey to the World Tour. He won the Zwift Academy, and then in a matter of years became one of the best climbers in the world.
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Ruby Roseman-Gannon's road to Liv AlUla Jayco
In this episode of "Road to the World Tour" Matt Keenan chats with National Road Champion Ruby Roseman-Gannon. Ruby started cycling at the age of 5 and chats about her journey to landing a pro contract. Ruby also gives insight to the importance of balancing a career off the bike. Ruby has a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Melbourne.
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Grace Brown's road to becoming Olympic and World Champion.
In this episode of "Road to the World Tour" Matt Keenan chats with Olympic and World ITT Champion Grace Brown. Grace opens up about her relatively late start into the sport and who supporter her to get her first pro contract and ticket to Europe. We learn learn about the secrets to Grace's mentality and tweaks she made leading into her most successful season in 2024.
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Richie Porte's road to Team Sky
In this episode of "Road to the World Tour" Matt Keenan chats with a man who stood on the Tour de France Podium in 2020, Richie Porte. We chat with Richie about his early career and how he transitioned from triathlon into road cycling. Richie turned pro at the age of 24, foreign in today's environment, and how this helped the longevity of his career. Richie also passes on some solid advice for the next generation looking to find their own road to the World Tour.
Hosted by Matt Keenan, join us on "Road to the World Tour," where we dive deep into the lives of pro cyclists, both current and former. Through captivating interviews, we uncover the incredible journeys and stories of these athletes, offering insights and lessons for the next generation. Whether you're a passionate cyclist or just curious about the sport, our series will give you a new appreciation for the challenges and triumphs that come with making it in the world of professional cycling. Tune in for inspiring tales, behind-the-scenes glimpses, and a newfound respect for the sport.