Ready Player Three, Frank, Justin, Nick — S.2-Bonus Episode 15.5
Join Frank, Justin, and Guest Host Nick as they game plan (you see what we did there) their own easter egg adventures, discussing video games and 80s/90s movies that depict their own OASIS quests.
Ready Player Two — S.2-Episode 15
READY….to dive back into the immersive world of the OASIS in Ready Player Two, the sequel to Ernest Cline's blockbuster novel Ready Player One. Frank, Justin, and Guest Host Nick re-join Wade Watts and his friends as they embark on a thrilling new quest, facing even greater challenges and uncovering hidden secrets. Join them as they explore the key characters, themes, and world building that is Ready.Player.Two!
Ready Player One — S.2-Episode 14
Plug in, gear up, and get ready to join Justin, Frank, and guest host Nick (aka Merlin) for a dive into the ultimate virtual reality/80s trivia adventure as they explore the captivating world of Ernest Cline's "Ready Player One." From epic quests and nostalgic pop culture references, to futuristic technology and the battle for a Key to the Oasis, this book has many great twists and turns. Whether you're a fan of the book or new to the Oasis, this podcast is your gateway to a world where the virtual becomes reality. So…Are you Ready Player One!
Tarantino, Black Mamba, and all things Kill Bill — S.2-Bonus Episode 13.5
Justin and Frank rank their favorite Tarantino movies and "blind rank" their favorite/least favorite way to go from the deaths in Kill Bill Volumes 1 and 2.
Kill Bill Vol.2— S.2-Episode 13
Justin and Frank continue on their journey with Volume 2 of Quentin Tarantino's Kill Bill. As The Bride, now known as Beatrix Kiddo, Black Mamba, or Mommy continues her quest for
vengeance, this podcast unpacks some of the movie's great scenes, key characters, and discusses whether Kill Bill delivered in both Volume 1 and Volume 2! Let us Begin!