A podcast on high film art, entertaining film trash, and everything film in between.
Subscribe to the Patreon for new premium episode every week.
INTERVIEW - The Golden Turkey Awards with Harry and Michael Medved
With their books The Fifty Worst Films of All Time (1978) and The Golden Turkey Awards (1980), brothers Harry and Michael Medved crystallized the idea of "so bad it's good," made Ed Wood famous, and created "bad movie" fandom as we know it. In this special interview episode, Will Sloan talks to the Medved Brothers about the making of the books, the movies they got wrong, and whether Plan 9 from Outer Space is REALLY the Worst Movie of All Time. PLUS: Harry Medved and producer Harry Pallenberg talks about their new show LOCATIONLAND, where they visit the filming locations for Plan 9.
Check out Harry Medved's LOCATIONLAND:
Official LOCATIONLAND website: https://www.pbssocal.org/shows/locationland
GREASE Road Trip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7aLpBO24qQw (live now)
Ed Wood’s PLAN 9 Adventures: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P9IBP_1v13M (launches Feb. 10 at 6pm)
Behind The Hollywood Sign: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YeHpsiSxFVs (launches Feb. 13th)
PBS SoCal YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@PBSSoCal
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#415 - Hardcore Musicals
We discuss musicals that have "erotic" themes. Topics include ALICE IN WONDERLAND: AN X-RATED MUSICAL FANTASY (1976), BLONDE AMBITION (1981) and ROMEO AND JULIAN (1993).
Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalogue, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub
Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576
Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub
Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ
Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ
Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast), THE VERY FINE COMIC BOOK PODCAST (www.theveryfinecomicbookpodcast.com) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie), as Will's MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us).
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#414 - David Cronenberg's Clinical Trials feat. Violet Lucca
We discuss The King of Canadian Cinema once more, Mr. David Cronenberg, but this time we are joined by Violet Lucca, the author of the excellent new book DAVID CRONENBERG: CLINICAL TRIALS. Go buy her book now at your local independent bookseller!
Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalogue, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub
Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576
Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub
Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ
Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ
Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast), THE VERY FINE COMIC BOOK PODCAST (www.theveryfinecomicbookpodcast.com) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie), as Will's MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us).
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#413 - We Answer All Your Questions! (The All Mailbag Episode)
We jump into the giant pile of letters you have all graciously sent us.
Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalogue, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub
Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576
Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub
Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ
Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ
Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast), THE VERY FINE COMIC BOOK PODCAST (www.theveryfinecomicbookpodcast.com) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie), as Will's MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us).
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#412 - The Beauty of the Public Domain
We discuss the public domain and focus in on three films that went into it this year: THE COCOANUTS, HALLELUJAH and BLACKMAIL.
Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalogue, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub
Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576
Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub
Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ
Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ
Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast), THE VERY FINE COMIC BOOK PODCAST (www.theveryfinecomicbookpodcast.com) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie), as Will's MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us).
A podcast on high film art, entertaining film trash, and everything film in between.
Subscribe to the Patreon for new premium episode every week.