Hear the incredible real stories behind the making of the biggest documentary series & films on Netflix. Host Rebecca Lavoie leads in-depth interviews with crea...
In 1994, two people were slain in Brentwood, California - one of them the ex-wife of a beloved celebrity. Then the world stood transfixed watching a televised police chase of the famous fugitive through Los Angeles. It seemed like a mountain of evidence would convict OJ Simpson for the murders of Ronald Goldman and Nicole Brown Simpson. But his aggressive defense team attacked the science and the motivations of a problematic detective. It all led to a bombshell verdict that divided the country and reverberates today.
From the famous Bronco chase to the “Trial of the Century,” American Manhunt: O.J. Simpson follows the case that shook the nation. We hear from those who investigated the crime, those who fought it out in court, and from witnesses never called to testify. We get insight from a juror on the panel, as well as from Simpson’s close friend who went from a supporter to a doubter of his innocence.
In this episode of You Can't Make This Up, host Rebecca Lavoie interviews director Floyd Russ.
SPOILER ALERT! If you haven't watched American Manhunt: O.J. Simpson yet, make sure to add it to your watch-list before listening on.
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Don't Die: The Man Who Wants to Live Forever
After making his fortune in tech, Bryan Johnson has set his sights on an even more valuable goal: finding a fountain of youth through cutting-edge science. Employing a mix of smoothies, fitness, regimented sleep, high-tech therapies, and more than 100 pills and supplements, Bryan has been able to slow the aging rate of his body. His Blueprint Protocol has earned him lots of attention, and lots of derision from those who see his quest as folly. And Bryan’s pursuit of even more radical techniques has many questioning how far is too far in his desire for longevity.
The Netflix documentary film Don’t Die: The Man Who Wants to Live Forever, follows Bryan’s uncharted path to maximize his lifespan and share his results with the world. It explores whether any of his accomplishments can be replicated. And it seeks to go deeper into his life to explore what is really animating the millionaire’s high-profile attempt to live as long as possible.
In this episode of You Can't Make This Up, host Rebecca Lavoie interviews director Chris Smith.
SPOILER ALERT! If you haven't watched Don’t Die: The Man Who Wants to Live Forever yet, make sure to add it to your watch-list before listening on.
Listen to more from Netflix Podcasts.
Jerry Springer: Fights, Camera, Action
Jerry Springer’s dull new talk show was relegated to an overnight time slot and the likelihood of cancellation. But when he teamed up with a new executive producer - one with a taste for the sensational - the show evolved into a must-watch television circus. And when guests started punching each other, the ratings went through the roof.
The Netflix documentary series Jerry Springer: Fights, Camera, Action revisits the outrageous talk show, zooming in on the relationship between its affable host and the string-pulling Svengali that - for better or worse - changed television. It brings viewers behind the cameras into the demanding lives of the show’s segment runners. And it looks at the effects the show had in the lives of its guests, resulting in broken hearts, broken bones, and even murder.
In this episode of You Can't Make This Up, host Rebecca Lavoie interviews former “The Jerry Springer Show” producer Toby Yoshimura.
SPOILER ALERT! If you haven't watched Jerry Springer: Fights, Camera, Action yet, make sure to add it to your watch-list before listening on.
Listen to more from Netflix Podcasts.
BONUS | American Nightmare
On today’s episode, we take a look back at one of our favorite documentaries from 2024: the Netflix series American Nightmare. Host Rebecca Lavoie talks to filmmakers Felicity Morris and Bernadette Higgins.
SPOILER ALERT! If you haven't watched American Nightmare yet, make sure to add it to your watch-list before listening on.
Listen to more from Netflix Podcasts.
BONUS | American Criminal: Crypto Criminals
In the documentary, The Biggest Heist Ever, we learned about Heather “Razzlekhan” Morgan and Ilya “Dutch” Lichtenstein, who were accused of conspiring to launder $4.5 billion in stolen bitcoin. But this is just a peek into the world of crytpto criminals and the people who track them.
Today we're bringing you a recent episode from our friends at American Criminal, where each week host Jeremy Schwartz takes you inside the minds of some of America's most notorious felons and outlaws.
In this episode from the Sam Bankman-Fried series, he sits down with Wired senior writer Andy Greenberg to talk about the day that FTX collapsed and the wild world of crypto crime detectives. You can read more in Andy's book, Tracers in the Dark: The Global Hunt for the Crime Lords of Cryptocurrency.
Listen to all four episodes of the 'Sam Bankman-Fried' series on American Criminal, wherever you get your podcasts.
Hear the incredible real stories behind the making of the biggest documentary series & films on Netflix. Host Rebecca Lavoie leads in-depth interviews with creators and subjects, exploring how these stories are produced & their impact, while uncovering new information. New episodes every Wednesday.