Undertow is Realm’s premier showcase of original audio horror. Hosted by audio horror pioneer and creator Fred Greenhalgh, each season presents a spooky standal...
We return to coastal Maine where Dearbhla Ashe has her career in comedy threatened by a young upstart. Will she coach this new young talent, or succumb to demons within to advance her own path… and at what cost?
Listen to Part 2, the shocking conclusion of THE DEVIL'S CHAIR, by Irish playwright and actress Méabh de Brún (The Silt Verses, Secret of St. Kilda).
Written by Méabh de Brún
Starring Méabh de Brún
Directed by Fred Greenhalgh
Produced by Fred Greenhalgh and Ella Watts.
Dialogue editing, sound design, music by Katharine Seaton.
Recorded at Soundcaster Studios in Dublin Ireland.
A Dagaz Media Production
Undertow is a production of Realm, hosted by Fred Greenhalgh.
Produced by Nicole Kreutter. Associate produced by Devin Shepherd. Executive produced by Fred Greenhalgh and Molly Barton.
Find more shows like Undertow on Apple, Spotify, or wherever podcasts are served.
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The Devil's Chair - Part 1
Dearbhla Ashe has always wanted a career in comedy, and has suffered hard to get as far as she has - a nightly show in a dilapidated hotel on a sleepy coastal town in Maine. It might be enough, but the appearance of a young, new comedic star forces her to choose whether to foster new talent or fight for her own position on stage.
Listen in for Part 1 of the riveting new work of audio horror, THE DEVIL'S CHAIR, by Irish playwright and actress Méabh de Brún (The Silt Verses, Secret of St. Kilda).
Written by Méabh de Brún
Starring Méabh de Brún
Directed by Fred Greenhalgh
Produced by Fred Greenhalgh and Ella Watts.
Dialogue editing, sound design, music by Katharine Seaton.
Recorded at Soundcaster Studios in Dublin Ireland.
A Dagaz Media Production
Undertow is a production of Realm, hosted by Fred Greenhalgh.
Produced by Nicole Kreutter. Associate produced by Devin Shepherd. Executive produced by Fred Greenhalgh and Molly Barton.
Find more shows like Undertow on Apple, Spotify, or wherever podcasts are served.
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Introducing: Real Hauntings Real Ghost Stories
Hello, Undertow listeners! This week, we’re thrilled to introduce you to a spooky podcast from the Realm network — Real Hauntings Real Ghost Stories! Join hosts Noah Daniels, JJ Krehbiel, and Cat Clark as they blend humor and horror in captivating interviews with guests who share their firsthand encounters with ghosts and other supernatural experiences. Each episode delves into spine-chilling tales and eerie events that will leave you both laughing and trembling.
Evil Ghost Lady Tried to Take My Son:
Noah and JJ interview Brandie in what they consider to be the most convincing and scary ghost story they have heard so far on the podcast. Brandie describes what it was like having two ghost living in her home. One ghost wanted to take her son the other watched over and protected her son. Warning this episode does describe a situation involving domestic abuse and may be triggering for some audience members. You can follow Brandie on instagram @itsmebrandieb. You can visit our patreon at patreon.com/RealHauntings and email us at [email protected] or message us on tiktok and instagram @RealHauntingsPodcast and let us know what you think. Please rate and review the podcast on iTunes. Don't forget a new episode releases every Monday!
To listen to more episodes, find Real Hauntings Real Ghost Stories on any podcast platform or visit: lnk.to/realhauntings
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Introducing: That Scares Me Too
Hello, Undertow listeners! This week, we’re thrilled to introduce you to a chilling podcast from the Realm network — That Scares Me Too! Join Dr. Sophie Yang and K.A. Statz as they discuss myths and tales of horror from Taiwan and Asia. Together, they compare and contrast stories from their cultures and talk about the shared humanity that is fear. That Scares Me Too is a Fool and Scholar Production.
To listen to more episodes, find That Scares Me Too on any podcast platform or visit: lnk.to/ThatScaresMeToo.
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Introducing: How i Died
Hello, Undertow listeners! Today, we're introducing you to How i Died, an award-winning full-cast fiction podcast that blends murder mysteries with a supernatural twist.
Bodies are piling up in the strange town of Springfield, and forensic pathologist Jonathan Spacer intends to find out why. But, Jon isn’t without his own secrets… He can talk to the dead, for starters. A full-cast serial fiction podcast for mature audiences.
How i Died (Season 1, Episode 1) - Shellfish:
Jon Spacer is new to Springfield, and his first case is one he's not so sure he can handle on his own - a woman found dead with her husband and child missing. Check out Patreon.com/HowiDied for bonus episodes and more. How i Died is an Audiohm Media original, starring Vince Dajani as Jon Spacer; Shaina Waring as Sheriff Fran Crowley; Melissa Sheldon as Maggie Lane; Theme song by Mike Lynch. Show notes and transcript at: https://audiohmmedia.com/how-i-died-season-1-episode-1-shellfish/
Listen to How i Died - https://pod.link/1450764373
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Undertow is Realm’s premier showcase of original audio horror. Hosted by audio horror pioneer and creator Fred Greenhalgh, each season presents a spooky standalone story, so you can dive in anytime... if you dare!
Current Season: Hovering
In the sleepy seaside town of Durham, Junior Constable Kyle Grinham is stumped one night when he receives four desperate calls about a strange metallic object hovering in the night sky. As he interviews the witnesses and tries to figure out who’s lying and why, Kyle realizes each of the people he talks to have a stark choice. They can keep what they saw in the sky a secret, or tell the truth and change the way people in the town look at them forever. Hovering is an independently produced, limited series fiction podcast from Melbourne-based Plot Twist.
Craving More Frights? Explore Past Seasons:
Season 1: Simpson Falls - A reporter awakens malevolent forces in his haunted hometown.
Season 2: Blood Forest - Every 20 years, werewolves descend for a night of horror. Starring Jack Falahee.
Season 3: Dark Tome - A teen unleashes a terrifying story from a spooky bookshop.
Season 4: The Well - Family secrets resurface, setting loose horror from an old well.
Season 5: The Pulse - A meteorite awakens animalistic instincts in a group of treasure hunters.
Season 6: The Sisters - True events inspire a chilling tale of occult & possession. Starring Mae Whitman.
Season 7: Last Call - A hustler gambles for his life against the Grim Reaper.
Season 8: Narcosis - A rescue dive turns deadly beneath the waves.
Season 9: The Harrowing - A barbaric crime heralds the rise of an ancient evil.
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