Unhinged History is a history podcast combining humor and the crazy stories you never learned in school.
Theresa and Angie explore antics and hijinks througho...
This week the dynamic duo do what they do best. Angie kicks us off by sharing her greatest love, Egypt, with us and telling us facts about King Tutankhamun. Maybe you've heard them all before, but you've never heard Angie gush about him.
Theresa dips into her bag of stories that make you both happy and livid. Come for her telling the tale of how the Black Panther Party created the Free Breakfast Program, which is the reason public schools offer it nationwide in the US. Stay for FBI director J. Edgar Hoover, who is depicted as the villain.
This episode pairs well with:
Pyramids of Sudan
More reasons to hate Hoover – the Osage Indian's Reign of Terror
Episode 107 | A Token Aristocrat
Journey with us on a fantastic romp through history. Theresa shares the story of Enheduanna, the first named author. She lived in approximately 2300 BC, in ancient Sumaria, and wrote hymns for 42 temples and three epic poems.
Angie regales us with the tale of Jeffrey Hudson. As a member of the court of Queen Henrietta Maria, the wife of Charles I of England, he lived quite the life. This man was raised as a gentleman, fought a duel, and was kidnapped by pirates.
Angie failed to tell Theresa that Jeffrey Hudson was only 18 or 19 inches high and more often known as the "queen's dwarf."
This episode pairs well with:
Angie's favorite court mistress – Nell Gwyn
Episode 106 | Victoria's Grandbabies Were Clones
Strange things happened this week. Both Angie and Theresa cover a very specific time in Russian History. Angie starts with the story of Maria Bochkareva, who created and led the Russian Women’s Battalion of Death during WWI.
Then Theresa harkens back to the Otsu Incident. In May 1891, Russian Crown Prince Nicholas Alexandrovich visited Otsu, Japan, when he was attacked by the Samurai Sanzo Tsuda. This would sour his affinity for Japan and lead to the Russo-Japanese War and the infamous Russian Second Pacific Squadron from Episode 69.
This episode pairs well with:
The Nightwitches of WWII
Infamous Russian Second Pacific Squadron
Episode 105 | This is Why HOAs Exist
Ever wonder about extremely niche aviation stories? No worries, we got you. This week Theresa shares the tale of Franz Reichelt, the "Flying Tailor." This man dreams of creating a parachute and believes his invention would work if he could only jump from a higher surface, so he tests his prototype from the Eiffel Tower. He leaves a six-inch crater as his legacy.
Angie surprises Theresa by telling her about The Flying Nightingales, the nurses during WWII who flew injured troops across the channel. Their bravery saved many troops.
This episode pairs well with:
WWII –George “Skeeter” Vaughan and the Moccasin Rangers
Founder of the American Red Cross – Clara Barton
Episode 104 | Weaponized Incompetence That I’m Okay With
Join us this week as Angie shares the unhinged story of Doug Hegdahl. This POW during the Vietnam War single-handedly saved the lives of over 250 men by memorizing their names and info to the tune of "Old McDonald Had a Farm."
This episode pairs well with:
Jesse Owens and Carl Luz Long – WWII
Tootsie Rolls at the Chosin Reservoir
Unhinged History is a history podcast combining humor and the crazy stories you never learned in school.
Theresa and Angie explore antics and hijinks throughout history. Each week they come together and share the bizarre stories they’ve only recently learned.
Uncover facts like Napoleon getting attacked by bunnies or details of the Beer Flood of 1814. Their favorite topics cover historical hoaxes, random war stories, unsolved mysteries, spies, and stories that make you question everything you thought you knew.