From the author of the New York Times Bestseller Imagine Heaven—with over 1 million copies sold—comes a thought-provoking podcast by John Burke exploring one of...
Countless Near Death Experiences (NDEs) describe an overwhelming, indescribable love that comes from the other side - a love so powerful that it changes people forever. In this video, you'll hear stories from people who clinically died, left their bodies, and encountered a love so immense that words could hardly describe it. Could this be a glimpse of God's unimaginable love and the afterlife described in the Bible?📖 Inspired by the New York Times Bestselling books - Imagine Heaven and Imagine the God of Heaven by John Burke: ------------------------- Stay Connected📖 Books by John BurkeImagine Heaven on Amazon: the God of Heaven on Amazon: Heaven Devotional: 100 Reflections to Bring Heaven to Your Life: Soul Revolution: How Imperfect People Become All God Intended:👉 Follow Us on SocialsFacebook: / imagineheavenbookX: / johnburkepodcastTikTok: / johnburkepodcast👉 Visit Our🎙️ Listen to the Imagine Heaven Podcast Spotify: from and Soundstripe, Cody Martin New Orbit GIROJONZHFUZSOHJ , KMDUYKDSTGLNENOJ B-roll images from #neardeathexperiences #NDE #ProofOfGod #GodsLove #LifeAfterDeath #Heaven #Faith #Spirituality #ImagineHeaven #imaginethegodofheaven #JohnBurke #DivineEncounters #WhatHappensAfterWeDie #ReligiousExperiences #NDEsDescribeEcstaticLoveinHeaven #GodsLove #NDE #neardeathexperience #LifeAfterDeath #ImagineHeaven #Heaven #AfterlifeStories #Faith #Miracles #WhatHappensAfterWeDie #NDETestimonies
Will My Pet Be in Heaven? What Near Death Experiences Reveal
Will your beloved pet be in heaven? Many wonder if animals have souls and if they’ll be reunited with their furry companions in the afterlife. Some say animals don’t have souls, but what do Near-Death Experiences (NDEs) and the Bible reveal?If you’ve ever loved a pet and hoped to see them again in eternity, this episode is for you!📖 Inspired by the New York Times Bestselling books - Imagine Heaven and Imagine the God of Heaven by John Burke:
Relationships in the Afterlife: What Near Death Experiences Reveal
Will you still be yourself in Heaven? Will you recognize loved ones? What about marriage—who will you be with? What if there are people you don’t want to see in Heaven?These questions have been asked for centuries, and near-death experiences provide some incredible answers. Discover what relationships in Heaven are really like and how they can transform the way you love and connect on Earth today. 📖 Inspired by the New York Times Bestselling books - Imagine Heaven and Imagine the God of Heaven by John Burke:
Different Religions Encounter the Same God in Near Death Experiences – Is He Revealing Himself to Us?
Buddhists, Jews, Muslims, and Christians who have had near death experiences all report encountering the same God of Light and Love—one who knows them intimately and whose presence they never want to leave. But has this God been revealing Himself throughout history, or is He only appearing in NDEs today? This powerful video features firsthand accounts from people of diverse religious and cultural backgrounds, all describing encounters with the same loving God. If you've ever wondered about God's true identity and character, this is a must-watch.📖 Inspired by the New York Times Bestselling author - Imagine the God of Heaven by John Burke:
Mystical Beauty of Heaven Revealed by Near Death Experiences
In this episode, John Burke uncovers the breathtaking beauty of Heaven as described in near death experiences (NDEs). Explore vivid accounts of awe-inspiring landscapes, radiant colors, and peaceful realms beyond imagination. What do these extraordinary glimpses reveal about the afterlife? Discover how Heaven’s unimaginable beauty points to a greater purpose and a deeper hope for eternity.
From the author of the New York Times Bestseller Imagine Heaven—with over 1 million copies sold—comes a thought-provoking podcast by John Burke exploring one of life’s biggest questions: What happens after we die? The Gallop poll found that 1 in 25 Americans has experienced a Near-Death Experience (NDE). Join us as we unpack real-life NDE stories and examine how they align with the Heaven described in the Bible. This podcast dives into the intersection of faith, science, and the profound mystery of the afterlife. Prepare to be inspired, challenged, and awakened to new possibilities.Tune in and discover: Are NDEs glimpses of Heaven?