The Universalis apps and website give you the Mass readings and every Hour of the Liturgy of the Hours for every day of every year. This podcast continues the...
The O Antiphons concluded. Christmas starts tne night before. Which is more important, Christmas or Easter? Incarnation, rescue and love. Stephen (and Paul), John and the Holy Innocents. Episode notes.
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The week ahead – from 15 to 21 December
Gaudete Sunday. The countdown to Christmas with the O Antiphons. Episode notes.
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The week ahead – from 8 to 14 December
Echoes between the First Readings and the Gospel. The Immaculate Conception. Our Lady of Guadalupe. Episode notes.
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The week ahead – from 1 to 7 December
Advent and the new liturgical year. Cribs. Isaiah, rich food and wine. St Francis Xavier. The English Standard Version (ESV). New e-books. Some exercises for Advent. Saint Nicholas. Episode notes.
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The week ahead – from 24 to 30 November
The end of Ordinary Time; the end of the world; how to read the Apocalypse. Christ the King; ourselves as kings. Episode notes.
The Universalis apps and website give you the Mass readings and every Hour of the Liturgy of the Hours for every day of every year. This podcast continues the theme. It tells you how to use Universalis and regularly points you to the highlights of the liturgy of the coming days.
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