Pastor Katherine has been described as a fresh prophetic voice to declare His Word, reveal His Character, and show His Power. Katherine flows in a strong prophe...
God wants you to persevere in faith. If God said it then you must believe it.
Say Yes in Faith
Sometimes you can say 'yes' because it seems right, but what we need to do is attach faith to every situation because faith pleases God.
Truly Knowing God
It's not about how spectacular the things you do for God are, it's about relationship. You can be moving in lots of different gifts but its not about that, it's about relationship.
The Rest of Faith
God says to cast your burdens on him, he doesn't want you to operate in your own strength but enter into the rest of faith and believe that he is kinder than you deserve because He is love.
Complete Peace
If you focus on God and obsess about Jesus then you will walk in life and peace and be able to do all things through Christ.
Pastor Katherine has been described as a fresh prophetic voice to declare His Word, reveal His Character, and show His Power. Katherine flows in a strong prophetic and miracle healing anointing revealing the very heart of the Father toward us. Releasing the Glory of God in fresh fire everywhere she goes, she teaches, trains and equips believers to live and move in the supernatural presence of God and brings a fresh perspective on the purposes of God for every believer.