The show that brings Christian women from all backgrounds together as award-winning authors Alana Terry and Jaime Hampton discuss what it means to be a woman of...
Join us for short, daily Lenten meditations to help you draw closer to God in prayer and scripture reading as we prepare our hearts leading up to Resurrection Sunday!If you haven't committed your life to Jesus but have a desire to do so, a great resource is the Navigators' "Bridge to Life" illustration. Find it here:
Lenten Meditation Day 8: Out of The Overflow of The Heart
Join us for short, daily Lenten meditations to help you draw closer to God in prayer and scripture reading as we prepare our hearts leading up to Resurrection Sunday!If you haven't committed your life to Jesus but have a desire to do so, a great resource is the Navigators' "Bridge to Life" illustration. Find it here:
Lenten Meditation Day 7: Confession Sparks Revival
Join us for short, daily Lenten meditations to help you draw closer to God in prayer and scripture reading as we prepare our hearts leading up to Resurrection Sunday!If you haven't committed your life to Jesus but have a desire to do so, a great resource is the Navigators' "Bridge to Life" illustration. Find it here:
Lenten Meditation Day 6: Holy Spirit Intercession
Check out our new book "She Prays Like a Girl" at today! Join us for short, daily Lenten meditations to help you draw closer to God in prayer and scripture reading as we prepare our hearts leading up to Resurrection Sunday!If you haven't committed your life to Jesus but have a desire to do so, a great resource is the Navigators' "Bridge to Life" illustration. Find it here:
365 How to Tame (Or Sometimes Awaken) Your Inner Mama Bear
Read SHE PRAYS LIKE A GIRL today! On sale at is the last time you summoned your Inner Mama Bear? For some of us it's easy...maybe even a little TOO easy 😆. But for others of us, it doesn't come naturally. Whether she seems accessible or not, Mama Bear is in there, and can even be harnessed/tapped into to fuel your prayer life with fire and ferocity you may not have known you had in you!Want learn how? Tune in to the podcast this week as we share some of our own Mama Bear stories, explore some of the complexities of navigating being fierce without crossing the line into sin, and as always offer encouragement and practical tips to fuel your prayer life.
The show that brings Christian women from all backgrounds together as award-winning authors Alana Terry and Jaime Hampton discuss what it means to be a woman of prayer in the 21st century.
Whether you’re brand new to the faith or have been a believer for decades, the Praying Christian Women podcast brings you biblical encouragement and inspiration (as well as an abundance of practical tips and easy-to-implement suggestions) to deepen your prayer life.
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