IPAA Victoria presents Public Sector Perspectives, a podcast featuring conversation with incredible people highlighting the interesting work in government and a...
IPAA Victoria CEO Amanda Stevens speaks with Robert Hortle – one of IPAA Victoria’s newest Fellows and Commissioner of Wage Inspectorate Victoria. Robert talks about his career in the public sector and the secret to being a good industry regulator. He also reflects on the work of the Inspectorate and why the impact of the public sector needs to be measured in both the really big - and the really tiny - moments.
Wage Inspectorate Victoria promotes (https://www.vic.gov.au/wage-inspectorate-victoria) and enforces Victoria’s long service leave, child employment, owner driver and forestry contractor laws.
You can find out more details about IPAA Victoria’s other new Fellows here: https://www.vic.ipaa.org.au/insights/ipaa-victoria-announces-2024-victorian-fellows/
Episode 37: Fellows Voice: Interview with Ella McPherson, Victorian Public Sector Commission
As part of IPAA Victoria's Fellows Voice series, Amanda Stevens, Chief Executive Officer, IPAA Victoria, interviews Ella McPherson, Deputy Commissioner, Victorian Public Sector Commission, about her career journey.
Episode 36: Fellows Voice: Interview with Pam Anders, Department of Health
As part of IPAA Victoria's Fellows Voice series, Dr Marija Maher, Chief Operating Officer, Victorian Ombudsman, interviews Pam Anders, Senior Executive Director, Mental Health & Wellbeing Transformation, Department of Health, about her significant commitment to public service and experience in implementing reform from the Royal Commission in Victoria's Mental Health System.
Episode 35: Fellows Voice: Interview with Simon Corden, Essential Services Commissioner
As part of IPAA Victoria's Fellows Voice series, Amanda Stevens, CEO, IPAA Victoria interviews Simon Corden, Essential Services Commissioner, and 2023 Fellow inductee about his significant commitment to public service and experience in leading organisations and teams.
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Episode 34: AI and the Future of Governance: Unanswered audience questions (part 2)
In this follow-up podcast to IPAA Victoria's AI and the Future of Governance event, host Kristy Hornby, Chair, Risk Community of Practice (CoP), IPAA Victoria, and Associate Director, Grosvenor, and guest speaker Peter Williams, Chief Edge Officer, Centre for the Edge, Deloitte Australia respond to some of the unanswered audience questions that were submitted during the event.
IPAA Victoria presents Public Sector Perspectives, a podcast featuring conversation with incredible people highlighting the interesting work in government and across the Victorian Public Sector.