Bye bye misery! In a world that seems to be lurching from one existential disaster to another, The Buck-Up is your weekly antidote to the times. The Buck-Up is ...
High trust society Let's celebrate cash Good things happen to bad people Text from mum @thebuckuppodcast @katelangbroek @nathvalvo Our money back guarantee is that you're going to feel better at the end of this podcast than you did at the beginning.See for privacy information.
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2 dead possums in the pool
No one likes homemade pizza Possums in the pool The courtesy crop Nath scam watch Text from mum @thebuckuppodcast @katelangbroek @nathvalvo Our money back guarantee is that you're going to feel better at the end of this podcast than you did at the beginning.See for privacy information.
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BONUS: The original Flash Bus segment!
The original Flash Bus from 2009 on Nova 100 - featuring Kate Langbroek, Dave Hughes and Ed Kavalee.See for privacy information.
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The radio segment you couldn't do today.
The glory days of radio Billionaires are as mean as cat shit What are you pretending to enjoy The best YouTube clip ever Text from mum @thebuckuppodcast @katelangbroek @nathvalvo Our money back guarantee is that you're going to feel better at the end of this podcast than you did at the beginning.See for privacy information.
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Can you wear too much leopard print?
No bra today Nath is croc shamed Never have Hopes and dreams NY resolutions Text from mum @thebuckuppodcast @katelangbroek @nathvalvo Our money back guarantee is that you're going to feel better at the end of this podcast than you did at the beginning.See for privacy information.
About The Buck Up with Kate Langbroek and Nath Valvo
Bye bye misery! In a world that seems to be lurching from one existential disaster to another, The Buck-Up is your weekly antidote to the times. The Buck-Up is a high-energy, up-beat, natural anti-depressant as Kate Langbroek and Nath Valvo break down the absurdities of modern life. Because who doesn’t love a Buck-Up?
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