The Bible Study Podcast for Everyday Life. Join your hosts, sisters Felicity and Sarah, and the occasional special guest, as they study the Bible together wit...
Todays passage is from: Hebrews 3:1-14God's faithfulness is a phrase that will often roll off our tonuges, and yet we're also called to display this fruit in our lives. Join us in our conversation today as we open our Bibles and talk through what it means to both ground our minds and hearts in Christ's faithfulness, and overflow with it ourselves.This episode is sponsored by Moody Publishers.A Christian publisher, they aim to resource the church’s work of discipling all people, with titles spanning from Bible commentary and reference to spiritual and relational growth.You can find today's recommended book, By Life or Death by Andrew Montonera hereNot yet signed up to our newsletter? Sign up here.
7: Goodness: Overflowing in Christ
Todays passages are from: Psalm 25 and Galations 6: 8-10How does the fruit of goodness compare to our understanding of 'good works'? And how do Jesus' and Paul's words on this fruit help us grow in our understanding and application of it? We're looking at both Mark and Galatians together today to grow our understanding of this fruit of the Spirit.This episode is sponsored by Moody Publishers.A Christian publisher, they aim to resource the church’s work of discipling all people, with titles spanning from Bible commentary and reference to spiritual and relational growth.The True Street Kids series can be ordered here
6: Kindness: Savouring it in Christ
Our passage today is from: Titus 3:3-7What does it look like to savour God's kindness towards us in Christ, and therefore image him to those around us? Today, we're continuing to think through how gazing on Christ and growing in our knowledge of him, impacts how we increasingly bear his image and grow in the fruit of the Spirit.This episode is sponsored by Moody Publishers.A Christian publisher, they aim to resource the church’s work of discipling all people, with titles spanning from Bible commentary and reference to spiritual and relational growth.Today's book recommendation was No Greater Love by Rebecca McLaughlin.You can also find the recipe Felicity mentions here!
5: Patience: Enduring in Christ
Our passages today are from: 1 Timothy 1:12-17, Colossians 1:10-12 and Colossians 3:12-13As we continue with our fruit of the Spirit series, today we're dwelling on Patience, or forbearance and long-suffering - all these words are used in the Bible to describe this essential quality of anyone who's following Jesus. Join us as we talk through both God's patience with us, and how that impacts our patience with others, both in 1 Timothy and Colossians.This episode is sponsored by Moody Publishers.A Christian publisher, they aim to resource the church’s work of discipling all people, with titles spanning from Bible commentary and reference to spiritual and relational growth.Our recommended book from today is Fly Through the Bible by Colin Smith, if you would like a copy, you can find it here.
4: Peace: Safe in Christ
Our passage today is from: Ephesians 2:13-22.Peace. With God, within ourselves, and with others. There's so much to talk about here in in our next Bible study on the fruit of the Spirit, as we acknowledge that almost every New Testament letter begins with 'peace' in some way. But today, we're rooting our conversation in Ephesians 2, as we press into what it really looks like to grow in both our understanding and application of peace.This episode is sponsored by Moody Publishers.A Christian publisher, they aim to resource the church’s work of discipling all people, with titles spanning from Bible commentary and reference to spiritual and relational growth.You can find the book, Literarily by Kristie Anyabwile, recommended on today's episode here.You can find the questions to chat over with a friend from today's episode here.
About Two sisters & a cup of tea (Bible Study Podcast)
The Bible Study Podcast for Everyday Life. Join your hosts, sisters Felicity and Sarah, and the occasional special guest, as they study the Bible together with discussion and reflection in their bite-size weekly episodes - ideal if you’re looking for a short women’s Bible study to listen on the go!
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