The Robertsons are unashamed of their Christian faith and want to share the Gospel with everyone, from new believers to longtime followers of Jesus. Phil, Al, J...
Ep 1009 | The Military Knows Exactly What's Going On with the Mystery Drones
Al and Jase ponder the meaning of the spate of drone sightings occurring all across the Northeastern U.S. Luckily, they have some insider insight on the matter! Combat veterans and podcasters Chad Robichaux and Chadd Wright reveal how they turned to Jesus after facing down real evil spirits as well as their inner demons.
In this episode: Romans 10, verses 9-10
“Unashamed” Episode 1009 is sponsored by: — SAVE babies with your tax-deductible donation today! — Claim your spot & join the mission to defend free
speech & uphold the American way of life! — Get your tickets to see “Homestead” in theaters on December 20! — Get your “Unashamed” mugs, shirts, hats & hoodies!
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Ep 1008 | The Truth About Phil & the ‘Duck Dynasty’ Hawaiian Episode
Al and Jase tell the real story about what Phil spent their whole “Duck Dynasty” Hawaiian vacation doing in his hotel room. Jase discovers after decades that he’s been sharing a childhood myth about himself as if it were true, and Miss Kay tried buying teenage Jase trendy footwear to get the ladies to notice him. The guys explore the renovation of the heart that comes along with recognizing Jesus’ presence within us — and they ask, which spirit are you feeding: the godly or the earthly?
In this episode: Colossians 3, verse 10; Acts 18, verse 9; Galatians 3, verses 28-29; Galatians 4, verse 6; Galatians 5, verses 16-25; Galatians 6, verses 13-14
“Unashamed” Episode 1008 is sponsored by: — Get your FREE "CFO’s Guide to AI and Machine Learning." — Get FREE access to more than 40 online courses to enrich your life! — Save 20% sitewide plus two FREE pillows with your order! — Get a FREE MONTH of service when you enter code PHIL or call 972-PATRIOT. — Get your “Unashamed” mugs, shirts, hats & hoodies!
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Ep 1007 | Mia Takes a Secret Interest in Fishing to Impress Jase with Her New Skills
Jase and Mia fish together for the first time ever, and Jase is over the moon about Mia's newfound angling skills. The guys continue their discussion from Colossians 3 about sexuality, marriage, and the differences between intimacy and lust. Plus, why our society thinks that men like Jeffrey Epstein, Hugh Hefner, and P. Diddy are living the dream until the nightmare comes to light.
In this episode: Ephesians 4, verse 17; Hebrews 7, verse 18; Hebrews 10, verses 35-39; 1 Peter 3, verse 21; 1 Thessalonians 4, verses 1-8
“Unashamed” Episode 1007 is sponsored by: — SAVE babies with your tax-deductible donation today! — Get 3 FREE months of online privacy protection — Get your “Unashamed” mugs, shirts, hats & hoodies!
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Ep 1006 | Jase Employs the Elon Musk Philosophy with Miss Kay’s Famous Recipes
Jase and Missy give Miss Kay’s famous pie recipe the Elon Musk treatment and end up with surprising results. The Robertsons’ reaction to Al’s attempt at Phil’s famous corn bread dressing leads to a conversation about forgiveness, especially within families, and Missy’s reaction to Joe Biden’s pardon of his son Hunter is swift and brutal. Jase takes a deep dive into a discussion of sexual morality, but he’s gotta be careful with his Google research on the topic!
In this episode: Colossians 3, verses 1-14
“Unashamed” Episode 1006 is sponsored by: — SAVE babies with your tax-deductible donation today! — Claim your spot & join the mission to defend free
speech & uphold the American way of life! — Get your “Unashamed” mugs, shirts, hats & hoodies!
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Ep 1005 | The Billy Graham Rule: Is It Wrong for Unmarried Men & Women to Be Alone Together?
Jase breaks away from a potentially disastrous back rub from a woman he didn’t know by using a creative, Jesus-centric excuse. The guys offer examples of their own “Billy Graham rule,” where even the appearance of sexual impurity must be guarded against, especially in ministry. Zach explores the basis of identity politics, where the concept comes from, and ultimately the only healthy source of human identity. The guys explore three avenues of earthly desires that must be reordered to God’s will or they result in anxiety, depression, and pain.
In this episode: John 14, verse 23; Hebrews 9, verses 24-25; Romans 8, verse 11
“Unashamed” Episode 1005 is sponsored by:
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The Robertsons are unashamed of their Christian faith and want to share the Gospel with everyone, from new believers to longtime followers of Jesus. Phil, Al, Jase, Zach, and their special guests go beyond the four walls of the church to share God's Word and study the Bible with you. Pour a glass of tea, and experience fun and inspiring stories of faith and family, straight from West Monroe, Louisiana.
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