Why does the Catholic church have a pope? What does the pope do? Is he always infallible? Who chooses the pope? What should we do about bad popes?In this episode, we look at how the papacy works. Donate via PayPalSupport us on Patreon!Contact the podcast:
[email protected]: https://www.instagram.com/crashcoursecatholicism/References and further reading/listening/viewing:Matthew 16John 21Isaiah 22The Catechism of the Catholic Church, pts. 880-887.Pope Benedict XVI, Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, The Primacy of the Successor of Peter in the Mystery of the Church.The Catholic Encyclopedia: The PopePapal ElectionsConclaveAntipopeFelix IIEWTN, What is a ConclaveThe Augustine Institute,What do Catholics Believe about the Pope? | A Catholic Professor AnswersWhy Do Catholics Have a Pope?Catholic Answers,Does God Pick the Pope?When is the Pope Infallible?Why Doesn’t the Pope Do Something about 'Bad" Bishops?Where Does the Bible Say Anything about the Papacy?It’s Not Just the Pope Who’s InfalliblePapal InfallibilityBirth ControlIs Humanae Vitae Infallible Teaching?Suan Sonna, Where is the Papacy in the Old Testament?Jewish Encyclopedia, Binding and LoosingThe Catechism in a Year, Day 123: The PopePope Leo X Exurge Domine: Condeming the Errors of Martin LutherMatt Fradd, Biblical PROOF of the Papacy w/ Dr. Scott Hahn and Cameron BertuzziSt IrenaDonate via PayPalSupport us on Patreon!Contact the podcast:
[email protected]: https://www.instagram.com/crashcoursecatholicism/