USAID Learning Lab is an interactive community where members can access and contribute to a growing repository of tools and resources on integrating collaborati...
Fresh Perspectives: An Introduction to Pause & Reflect at USAID
Take a listen as nine colleagues across the US Agency for International Development describe what "pause and reflect" means to them; why pausing is reflecting is important to USAID and international development; how to make a pause and reflect practice effective; and tips for success!
Views expressed in this audio are solely those of the speakers; they do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.
Soundtrack: Palms Down by Blue Dot Sessions
S3 Ep 7: Series Finale - the Future of Organizational Learning in International Development
In this episode, the series finale, we hear from some of our thought leader contributors about the keys to the future of organizational learning in development. Today’s contributors are:
- Gwen Hines, until recently the Director for International Relations, DFID
- Kerry Albright, Chief of Research Facilitation & KM, UNICEF
- Thom Sinclair, of CGAP, funded by the MasterCard Foundation and housed at the World Bank
- Tony Pryor, Senior Advisor, USAID/PPL
Listen as we discuss promising practices in the areas of collaborating, learning and adapting.
S3 Ep 6: How do organizations integrate learning into their daily work?
Episode 6 of Leaders in Learning focuses on how organizations are integrating intentional learning into their day-to-day work. The three leaders contributing to this episode are:
- Karen Mokate, Chief of Knowledge Management at the InterAmerican Development Bank (IDB)
- Clive Martlew, Lead for Leadership and Learning at the UK’s Department for International Development (DFID)
- Alison Evans, Chief Commissioner for the UK’s Independent Commission for Aid Impact (ICAI)
The three themes that emerged during the conversation are:
- Approaches need to be systematic, intentional and resourced.
- Learning and KM approaches will only become sustainably integrated if there is a supportive culture.
- Sustainability depends on clear and effective processes and tools.
S3 Ep 5: What is the role of formal and informal leadership in organizational learning?
The focus of the fifth episode in the Leaders in Learning series is one of the most challenging questions that we routinely face: What is the role of formal and informal leadership in creating a learning organization? This episode builds on previous episodes in connecting components of leadership and effective learning organizations, a key connection that we see consistently.
The contributing thought leaders for this episode are:
- Thom Sinclair, Gateway Academy Team Lead at the Consultative Group to Address the Poor (CGAP) housed at the World Bank
- Rob Cartridge, Head of Global Knowledge at Practical Action
- Chris Collison, a leading independent KM and OL consultant
USAID Learning Lab is an interactive community where members can access and contribute to a growing repository of tools and resources on integrating collaborating, learning, and adapting (CLA) throughout the USAID Program Cycle. #CLA4Dev #adaptdev The opinions in this podcast do not necessarily reflect the views of the United States government.