Sleek Geeks sees Dr Karl and Adam Spencer mix science with humour as they set out to answer some of the perplexing scientific mysteries we encounter on a daily ...
What are superfoods, how many tastebuds do we have on our tongue and how antioxidants can help add muscle after exercise. This and more about gold in your body and poisonous levels of banana consumption.
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Twinkle Twinkle Twitter Time
They love it, answering questions that is. In this episode Dr Karl and Adam Spencer zip their way through the latest batch of audience quesitons via Twitter. They also manage to head off on a shameless book promotion tangent to chat about their new releases. Dr Karl’s new book, is Short Back and Science, and Adam Spencer’s World of Numbers is modestly titled.
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It’s Xmas and book gifting time
Dr Karl and Adam Spencer are back together in a new series of podcasts. They catch up for a chat, and exchange early xmas gifts, a copy of each others latest book. Funny that. Dr Karl’s new book, Short Back and Science is a grab bag of science topics that have caught his eye over the last year. Adam Spencer’s World of Numbers, is a book of numerical trivia a sort of excursion into the beautiful world of mathematics.
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Interview with Derek Veritasium Muller
With Dr Karl and Adam both out of town, we asked geek by association, Dan Ilic, to interview Derek Veritasium Muller on behalf of leek Geeks. Derek speaks about his PhD, his YouTube success, and his most recent documentary series Uranium.
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Interview with Neil deGrass Tyson
With Dr Karl and Adam both out of town, we asked geek by association, Dan Ilic, to interview Dr Neil deGrasse Tyson on behalf of Sleek Geeks. Via Twitter Time, Adam asks what Dr Tyson’s favourite prime number is, whilst Dr Karl wants to know what effect his yellow jeans and loud shirts are having on the universe.
Sleek Geeks sees Dr Karl and Adam Spencer mix science with humour as they set out to answer some of the perplexing scientific mysteries we encounter on a daily basis. Download and enjoy this highly entertaining science-fuelled knowledge whirlwind and, as the Sleek Geeks like to say, "Learn something without even noticing"...