Join Tony Armstrong on a trip through the annals of sports history to uncover some of the most extraordinary, untold tales that will captivate, surprise, and in...
It’s the year 1990, in the small town of Vinton, Louisiana, where a horse race is about to get started. A thick fog has settled on Delta Downs Racecourse. Visibility for this one-mile race is almost zero. It seems like winning is going to be a close-your-eyes-and-hope situation. But jockey Sylvester Carmouche has a sneaky plan to take them all by surprise. See for privacy information.
The Goddess of Tennis
Long before Serena, Ash and Naomi, women’s tennis was dominated by one name. Known as “la Divine” - The Goddess - Suzanne Lenglen was a trailblazer in every sense of the word. Not only was she an unstoppable force on the court, but she was also a pioneer of fame, fashion and celebrity in women's sport. See for privacy information.
The First Woman of Formula 1
There’s nothing wrong with a little sibling rivalry. But if you can’t back it up in the sporting arena yourself, maybe don’t provoke your brother or sister. When Maria Teresa de Filippis took an interest in motor racing, her brothers mocked her. They didn't think she stood a chance. Well, that was all the inspiration Maria needed to prove them wrong. See for privacy information.
Hockey's Heroine for Human Rights
Justine Blainey was playing ice hockey as early as 7 years old. She loved it so much that she was determined to go pro, but her aggressive style of play often got her into trouble with the referee. So, she opted to join the boys team, where bodychecking was allowed. But that move was far easier said than done. See for privacy information.
The Miracle from Chandigarh
Most of us, if we’re lucky, will get the chance to grow old. It's a time for retirement and relaxation, for slowing down and watching the world go by. But that wasn't the case for Man Kaur. In 2009, aged 93, she spontaneously decided to take up running. And then, she took on the world. See for privacy information.
Join Tony Armstrong on a trip through the annals of sports history to uncover some of the most extraordinary, untold tales that will captivate, surprise, and inspire. From footy to Formula 1, this is the show that celebrates the winners, losers, and the weird stuff between.