Perfect listening while knittingLisa & Caroline are two European knitters living in South Australia that simply love knitwittering about their favourite hobby. ...
So many needles to tryout and don't steal Kevin Bacon - PRIZE DRAW WINNING NUMBER ANNOUNCED
In this episode we talk about:@elenorMortenson #artnouveaucardigan #mulitcolouredcardigan #steeking Do you knit the button band before or after the steek#collettecardigan #armmistakes knitting two arms the same (or not)@anneventzel #slantingslipover @nomadfarmsFibreFeast @yarnarama @knitpro @chiaoogoo @addi @lykke #metal needles #woodenneedles #copperneedles #pointytips #blunttips #slides @siansyarn #thehungrycatapillar #watermelon@jamo Did we have an exlcusive?@dearPru We loved the stitch makers, but her workshops are always sold out so quickly!!@mountbarkerfair putting an entry in for judging. @erishimuzu #floresjumper GIVE AWAY RESULTSto claim your prize, send us a private message and a picture of your card. We will send you the stash!Knitting in the news, Definitely worth a read @kevinbacon Great story about a very important sculpture.Fundraising crocheted pig returned after theft. listening while knitting.
How does knitting magic happen? Wearing a dog hair jacket as a form of punishment
In this episode we talk about: #emotionsupport chicken @theknittingtreela@Ertml @yarnwick #vegalavender #florespullover#collettecardigan@ambrahobrien #astravesthat@elenormortenson #artnouveaucardigan @skeinmachine @blackwattlemindfulness in Knitting by Rachael Matthews including colours as purity and the famous dog hair jacketDigital licencesKNITTING IN THE NEWSWhat can theorectical physics teach us about knitting people turn to craft to cast off gloom. listening while knitting.
Should you share a pattern with a friend?
This weeks episode includes discussions on#artnouveaucardigan by @ElenorMortenson yarn from @skeinmachine @blackwattle.#AlmaCardigan @Sanna_and_coColourwork v mosaic for ribbingChanging your knitting techniqueitalian cast on#Astravest @ambahobrien @maximoo #ViolentbloomSock#emotionalsupportchicken @theknittingtreelaMattress stitch#vegalavenderyarn @yarnwick @garnbutikennystvindan vikinggarn #glowinthedarkYarn from woodpulp @svartafaretgarn #babytencelThis discussion comes in around minute 30.What can you do with a pattern once you have purchased it? can a designer dictate how you use it? The difference between sharing with a friend and putting it on a web page or pretending it is your design.Perfect listening while knitting.
What does your partner think of your knitting hobby?
As one of the beloved podcasters is living it up in Europe this is a humerous look at the other side of knitting with our technical guru, who is not a knitter.In this episode we discuss:making the podcast, editing and soundknitting buzz wordsknitting gadgets every day carrieswhen men don't knit (sorry for those of you who do, I know there are many but the discussion was very funny)Why men make more news when they knit.Knitting olympics@yarnwick lavender yarnPerfect listening while knitting.
The Yarn Trader - why a great yarn shop tops Amazon (including being the samaritans for knitting)
Wecome to our latest episode. Today we are at the @yarntrader our Local Yarn Store with Tania the wonderful owner. In this episode we talk about:Knitting holidays #TheYarnTrail @vogueknittingonline - tune in for an exclusive on the new Austrailan Vogue holiday adventures.@sosu Vogue knitting classes@yarntraders famous knitting at the movies. The best movies to watch while knitting #princessbride #conclave @Yarntrader classess #judysmagiccaston #twosocksatatimeWhen sewing becomes involved in knitting #kitchenerstitch #mattressstitch- Tania's origin storyStore stocks @officialchiaogoo @knitpro Amazing 12ply @malabrigoyarn@circustonichandmade Exlcusive news a must listenprojects @elenormortensen #artnouveaucardiganpros and cons of top down v bottom up colourwork @stephenwestvideosposting perfect knitting social media posts knitting with black yarn (spoiler, its rubbish) #deathsocksLumos light review @lumoslumosworldMy favourite part - your local yarn store is like the knitting samaritans. Yarn store questions, designer questions @sanna_and_coperfection is for god@fibrefeast @agsa.adelaide a further exclusive if you are still listeningPerfect listening while knitting.
Perfect listening while knittingLisa & Caroline are two European knitters living in South Australia that simply love knitwittering about their favourite hobby. Their Woolshit podcast is everything related to wool, yarn, knitting and crochet.Each episode is a compendium of knitting anecdotes, project discussions, knitting techniques and knitting in the news. If it's Woolshit, they'll be chatting about it.If you're also an avid knitter, you're bound to identify with many of the topics Lisa & Caroline discuss. You can visit their Instagram and Facebook pages to see exactly what they are knitwittering about and join in the conversation.The Woolshit Podcast contains no advertising or paid promotions. You can enjoy listening without interruptions. It's perfect listening while knitting!