Jesus was born to die to save sinners. The baby in the manger is the creator of the universe and the same one who, within hours of His death, prayed for His disciples. He displayed His glory through perfect obedience to the Father—which culminated in His sacrificial death. Examining John 17:22–23, Alistair Begg considers the glory given to Christ. This same glory is extended to believers so that we may reflect in our words and actions a supernatural unity grounded in the Gospel and share in His love.
All One in Jesus
All who trust in Jesus are united in Him with fellow believers. Looking to Jesus' High Priestly Prayer, Alistair Begg explores the foundation and distinctiveness of Christian unity. When the Holy Spirit applies the Gospel's truth to our hearts, the resulting unity is supernatural in origin, doctrinal in substance, evangelical in expression, and pastoral in focus. Believers worldwide are called to come together rather than isolate, so that the good news of the Gospel will be attractively showcased before a watching world.
What Angels Wish They Knew
When the angels announced the birth of Jesus, although they were observers and participants, they could not know firsthand the joy salvation brings. In the incarnation, God the Father did something that was truly unique and unmistakable: He sent His Son, Jesus, to save from their sin all those who would trust in Him. At the center of the Christmas story is not a cradle but a cross—the emblem of the extent to which God went to show His love for us.