Welcome to the Chapter by Chapter hosted by your book besties Ains and Ki. Two girls who are forever escaping real life to deep dive into their latest fictional...
Welcome to Chapter by Chapter! Reflecting on our 2024 reading year
In the very first episode of Chapter by Chapter, Ains and Ki talk about how the podcast came to be and how they met, and introduce themselves as readers by answering juicy questions about what they read in 2024 👀 🖤Thank you so much for listening!Keep up with the podcast on instagram here:https://www.instagram.com/chapterbychapter.pod/And keep up with Ains and Ki here:Ains 🍋 - https://www.instagram.com/ainsley.reads/.- https://www.tiktok.com/@ainsley.deebleKi 🍓 - https://www.instagram.com/kiarnas.reads/.- https://www.tiktok.com/@kiarnas.reads
Welcome to the Chapter by Chapter hosted by your book besties Ains and Ki. Two girls who are forever escaping real life to deep dive into their latest fictional world obsessions. Bring a book, get cozy and we'll see you every Wednesday with a new episode.