Gone Bush- Blue Mountains is a 7 part brand-crafted comedy from Dweezl Productions.
Written by Brett Danalake and Iain Triffitt, based on their play.
Looks like Randall has taken an opportunity to get Simone out of the way.
Laura and Tameryn return to the campsite to find Brenda and Ferret missing.
Is this their last chance to get out of the bush alive?
Make sure you catch our Season 2 teaser at the end of this episode.
Matt Brown from Fade to Black Sound you truly are a super star!!
Thank you to this episode's wonderful sponsors:
Josophan’s Fine Chocolates
Hillbilly Cider Shed
Laura hasn’t played enough Dungeons and Dragons to know that you never split the party.
The incapacitated Ferret is placed in the terrifying hands of Brenda who has taken the podcast title literally.
Thank you to these legends for being this episode's generous sponsors
Hillbilly Cider Shed
Little Lost Bookshop
Blue Mountains Sauna
Laura stumbles into the great disadvantage of leadership - decision making.
Is Randall’s paranoia growing?
Can it grow any more?
Is this foreshadowing?
We'd love you to leave us a rating.
Many thanks to this episode's fabulous sponsors
Springwood Sports Club
Little Lost Bookshop
Real Foods Corn Thins
The absence of Simone Foster Associates has made it to the media -
well, at least a morning TV show.
Laura has been put in charge, much to Randall’s dismay.
Is this the beginning of the end or the end of the beginning?
We'd love you to rate and review.
Thank you to this episode's generous sponsors
Gingerbread Folk
Scenic World Blue Mountains
And thank you for doing all the audio heavy lifting
Matt Brown at Fade to Black Sound
With Ferret bitten by a snake (really!!),
Simone Foster Associates make rescue plans.
What depths will Laura’s first aid training lead them too?
Thank you to our generous sponsors
The Hattery Katoomba
Blue Mountains Ugg Boots
Dryridge Estate
Thank you also to Aaron Noakes for the use of his "Heavenly Chorus"
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Gone Bush YouTube
Gone Bush- Blue Mountains is a 7 part brand-crafted comedy from Dweezl Productions.
Written by Brett Danalake and Iain Triffitt, based on their play.
Directed by Malcolm Frawley. Produced by Beth Champion