Cars, Coffee and Comedy hosted by comedian and automotive enthusiast Spike Feresten and featuring Jerry Seinfeld, lawyer Paul Zuckerman, MotorTrend's Jonny Lieb...
Jay Leno joins Spike Feresten and Jonny Lieberman for cars, CONSPIRACIES, and comedy. Jay sets the record straight on wild theories about his recent accident and shares how he performed stand-up the same night. The crew dives into the restoration of Jay’s 1952 Talbot-Lago, Jaguar’s bold rebrand, Stellantis’ challenges in the auto industry, and why the Chevrolet Corvair is America’s most misunderstood classic. Plus, hilarious road stories, strong hotel opinions, and insights into the intersection of cars and comedy.
Jerry Seinfeld's Porsche Addiction
Jerry Seinfeld and Zuckerman join Spike for the very first video edition of SCR. Discussed: Jerry’s Porsche 917 heading to auction, why YouTube beats TV for car content, and the psychology of car collecting. Spike and Jerry weigh in on Jaguar’s glam-rock rebrand, and the crew examines Stellantis’ CEO shake-up, the state of car brands today, and the future of unrestored classics.
Jaguar's Tilda Swinton Rebrand
Jaguar's massive rebrand is a flick in the nose to the car community; SCR launches a new dive watch inspired by a St Barts beach, Brad Pitt's new F1 movie has a famously fast fact checker, the Porsche's naturally aspirated GT3's come to an end, and Ford sues the Bronco boys.
Spike's Fight Radio
Spike and Jonny give their takes on the Tyson / Paul fight then discuss the new Maserati MC20 Cielo; Zuckerman's 2011 BMW 1M, bear-suit wearing insurance fraudsters; Tesla's sky high fatality rates and more.
Sunday Morning Cigars
A lovely Southern California morning with finger sandwiches and Cuban cigars. Discussed: the 2025 Aston Martin DBX 707; follow up on Mercedes Classic's purchase from the Rudy Klein Collection; RFK's bid for animal Czar; and the true story of how a North Korean spy took down Fisker.
Cars, Coffee and Comedy hosted by comedian and automotive enthusiast Spike Feresten and featuring Jerry Seinfeld, lawyer Paul Zuckerman, MotorTrend's Jonny Lieberman, and The Smoking Tire's Matt Farah with guests from the automotive industry, notable comedians and celebrities. As always, there's one empty chair at Spike's table saved for you, the listener.