The Beef Edge is Teagasc’s podcast for all the latest news, information and advice for Irish beef farmers, presented by Catherine Egan.
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Fertiliser application and the fertiliser register
Continuing the two-part series on fertiliser application, Teagasc specialist Mark Plunkett from the Teagasc Signpost programme, joins Catherine Egan on the Beef Edge podcast to discuss fertiliser application and the fertiliser register. Mark reviewed 2024 regarding fertiliser usage and particularly chemical N. There was a 10% increase, he said, compared to 2023. Chemical N use was at an all-time low in 2023 and in addition, 2024 proved to be a challenging grass growing year and was perhaps the reason for increased N use. In 2024 the straight N market increased by 2% in 2024 to 58%. Compound N market increased by 6% compared to 2023 and in 2024, 17% of the total N was Protected Urea (+4% on 2023). There were 28,736 tonnes of phosphorus (P) applied in 2024. Phosphorus reduced by 6.6% in 2024. There were 88,058 tonnes of potassium (K) applied in 2024 which was an increase of 7.45%. The continued decline in the use of P is a real concern for soil fertility and N use efficiency on farm. While the increase in K application is positive, Mark highlighted the importance of lime, especially as 65% of soils are deficient in lime; if lime was corrected on grazing ground there are multiple benefits. Mark has also said that weather conditions played a huge part in poor grass growth last year and farmers should use protected urea in the year ahead. Fertiliser should be applied when ground is dry enough to travel on with tractor and spreader without causing damage. Soil temperatures are above 5ºC and rising and with 4-5 days of dry weather forecast, you want fertiliser and slurry to stay where you spread it. Finally, Mark explained the benefits of using compound fertiliser based on a nutrient management plan and highlighted the importance of sulphur. For more episodes from the Beef Edge podcast, visit the show page at: Produced on behalf of Teagasc by
February Grass Update
Teagasc Grass10 advisor, Niamh Doyle, has her monthly update discussing grass management tips for the month ahead. Niamh discusses over-winter growth and the importance of assessing opening covers and the need to ensure conditions are suitable before spreading. Niamh also encourages anyone who has soil samples to collect to do so in the coming weeks to address soil fertility this year. You can subscribe to the Grass10 newsletter here: For more episodes from the Beef Edge podcast, visit the show page at: Produced on behalf of Teagasc by
The Rules & Regulations of Nitrates
As thoughts on farms move to fertiliser application, Teagasc specialist Tim Hyde joins Catherine Egan on the Beef Edge podcast for the first of a two-part podcast on the rules and regulations surrounding nitrates. Tim reminds listeners of the open period for chemical fertiliser, farm yard manure and slurry across the different zones, plus he outlines the regulations around roadways, storing bales and buffer zones. Tim then discusses the differences between grassland and whole farm stocking rates and the rules that apply. He describes the low emission slurry spreading for farmers stocked over 130kg organic N/ha and >100kg organic N/ha from 01/01/2025. In relation to P build-up, Tim describes what extra allowances there are for farms stocked over 130kg organic N/ha. For non-derogation farmers that are stocked over 170kg but exported slurry to remain compliant, Tim explains the additional rules that are applicable to these farms. Finally Tim comments on the importance of fertiliser planning to know your allowances for the fertiliser register and to allow for more accurate nutrient management planning. Next week, Mark Plunkett from the Teagasc Signpost programme will go through all the requirements in relation to fertiliser application and the fertiliser register. For more episodes from the Beef Edge podcast, visit the show page at: Produced on behalf of Teagasc by
The benefits & use of the new Mart Tracker and Commercial Beef Value (CBV)
Chris Daly from ICBF joins Catherine Egan on this week’s Beef Edge podcast to discuss the new Mart Tracker and the Commercial Beef Value (CBV). Chris outlines the benefit of the Mart Tracker and the impact that it will have for farmers. He also discusses the CBV and how important it is for farmers buying as well as selling calves and cattle overall. Chris describes the values farmers should be looking for in cattle that are suckler, dairy x beef and dairy x dairy. Mart Tracker available here How to use the Mart Tracker If you have any issues accessing the Mart Tracker or CBV values for your herd please contact ICBF. Email support is [email protected] or phone 023-8820452 during office hours (9am – 5.30pm). For more episodes from the Beef Edge podcast, visit the show page at: Produced on behalf of Teagasc by
Caring for the Newborn Calf (Preparing for Calving Pt 3)
For the final part of our special series in advance of spring calving on the Beef Edge Podcast, Teagasc vet, John Donlon focuses on caring for the newborn calf. John discusses the importance of colostrum and the 1,2,3 of colostrum in which you use the first milk (colostrum) from the cow; feed the calf colostrum within the first two hours of birth; and calves must be offered at least 3L of good quality colostrum. John outlines the importance of dipping or spraying the calves navel to prevent infection. Obviously we expect the calf to get up and suck the cow straight away, but John describes the correct way to use a stomach tube if needed. Regardless of a suckler or dairy beef system, there are a number of ailments that can arise, in relation to calf scour and respiratory issues and John highlights the importance of administering electrolytes. Crypto and coccidiosis are unfortunately an issue on some suckler farms, with John detailing the preventative actions and best treatment measures. Respiratory infections and disease are a main cause of calf deaths and John explains the best ways to prevent and treat this. Clostridial diseases can cause a number of conditions in cattle. One of the most common conditions is blackleg. Unfortunately it is often too late when detected and there was a rise in reported deaths in 2024. John advises that it is a two shot vaccine and it’s critical the instructions are followed correctly to ensure it is effective. If you missed either of the first two parts in the series, listen back to Teagasc Nutritionist Aisling Claffey on nutrition pre and post calving, and John Donlon on calving the cow. The FutureBeef Webinar Series The final part of the FutureBeef webinar Series is on Thursday, 23rd January at 8pm which will focus on Calving and Post-Calving Management. Click here to register: The webinar will be chaired by James Mullane, Future Beef Programme Advisor and will feature Dr John Donlon, Beef Herd Health Research Officer, Teagasc; Dr Doreen Corridan, CEO of the National Cattle Breeding Centre (NCBC); and Michael Biggins, Future Beef Farmer. This webinar will centre on the calf, covering topics such as the first principles of calving, managing the calf’s first month, and getting the cow back in calf. For more episodes from the Beef Edge podcast, visit the show page at: Produced on behalf of Teagasc by
The Beef Edge is Teagasc’s podcast for all the latest news, information and advice for Irish beef farmers, presented by Catherine Egan.
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