Join Chris Eddy and the team for the new VLGA Connect where each week we bring you the latest local government news and take a deep dive into issues affecting the sector. This week, Kendrea Pope joins Chris to break down the new mandatory professional development requirements facing councillors, and discuss their impact on the sector.Michael Annear, Director Infrastructure & Development at Mount Alexander Shire Council outlines the groundbreaking shared services agreement with Hepburn Shire Council and the potential for these to be used to increase efficiencies in local government. Also, Chris speaks to Mansfield Shire Council Mayor Cr Steve Rabie on the state government's planned Emergency Services Volunteer Fund and its impact on councils.Proudly sponsored by Hunt & Hunt LawyersSupport the showTo learn more about the events, programs, and training offered by the Victorian Local Governance Association (VLGA), please click here. If you'd like to contact us about the podcast, please send us an email to
[email protected] or call us on 03 9349 7999