Episode 153 of the Down South Photo Show. Join your hosts Brendan Waites and Cameron Blake as we ramble about all things photography including why Cam reckons you can't trust a camera reviewer, Brendan has a new toy and yes, Dear Cam returns for 2025!
To see more about Brendan's business -go here - https://www.cameraandphoto.com.au/
To see more about Cam's business go here - https://www.camblakephotography.com.au/
Find Brendan and Cam on Instagram -
Brendan - @camera_andphoto
Cam - @camblakephotography
The Show - @downsouthphotoshow
Also find them on facebook
@camera_andphoto - https://www.facebook.com/OceanGroveCameraPhoto
@camblakephotography - https://www.facebook.com/CamBlakePhotography/
@downsouthphotoshow - https://www.facebook.com/downsouthphotoshow
If you have any questions, feedback or want to contribute a question to our "Dear Cam" segment please email
[email protected] or
[email protected]
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