Just what is a Chief Clinical Information Officer or CXIO? And how do they support digital transformation within the public health system?
This question and more is tackled in this podcast which interviews Dr Sarah Dalton, Clinical lead on the Single Digital Patient Record at eHealth NSW and Peter Edwards, Chief Clinical Information Officer at Western NSW Local Health District and Far West Local Health District and, a CXIO. Both sit down with Hannah Cunniappen from the eHealth NSW communications services team to talk about the important role of a CXIO within the health system.
To enquire about becoming a CXIO, email:
[email protected], or contact:
Jane Dyer
A/Director Clinical Engagement | Clinical Engagement & Patient Safety, eHealth NSW
[email protected]
Prachi Javalekar
A/Clinical Engagement Manager | Clinical Engagement & Patient Safety, eHealth NSW
[email protected]