Episode 35 of the Perigee Podcast, hosted by Chief Master Sergeant of the Space Force John Bentivegna, live from the Space Force Association's SPACEPOWER Conference in Orlando, Florida. In this episode, we'll be discussing effective communication within the U.S. Space Force, bringing together a panel of experts to delve into the current state of communication and explore the most effective platforms for sharing information.
Perigee Podcast feat. CMSSF - Episode 33 The Space Force Personnel Management Act
Episode 34 of the Perigee Podcast, hosted by Chief Master Sergeant of the Space Force John F. Bentivegna. The Space Force Personnel Management Act allows the Space Force to design an alternative single military personnel management system that integrates active component Guardians and AFR Airmen serving in space-focused career fields into a unified service, offering both full- and part-time work roles.
Perigee Podcast feat. CMSSF - Episode 33
Episode 33 of the Perigee Podcast, hosted by CMSSF John Bentivegna
Episode 32, Pt. 2 of the Perigee Podcast, hosted by Chief Master Sergeant of the Space Force John F. Bentivegna. Space Force Generation, or SPAFORGEN, cycles guardians through three phases -- prepare, ready and commit -- and is the service’s model for assigning and allocating forces to combatant commands. Part 2 of 2.
Episode 32, Pt. 1 of the Perigee Podcast, hosted by Chief Master Sergeant of the Space Force John F. Bentivegna. Space Force Generation, or SPAFORGEN, cycles guardians through three phases -- prepare, ready and commit -- and is the service’s model for assigning and allocating forces to combatant commands. Part 1 of 2.