This podcast series has been developed by the Physiotherapy Council of NSW (the Council). It features special guests who are experts in their field.
The inform...
In this episode of the Physiotherapy Council of NSW’s podcast series, our expert panel discusses the importance of obtaining consent from patients, the different types of consent, and much more.
We hear from:
Elizabeth Ward, President of the Physiotherapy Council of NSW
Toni Andary, Deputy President of the Physiotherapy Council of NSW
Athena Harris Ingall, Legal Member of the Physiotherapy Council of NSW
Dr Julie Redfern, Professor of Public Health and recipient of the 2022 NSW Woman of Excellence award
Ahpra's shared code of conduct
Physiotherapy Council video education series of sliding doors scenarios of common complaints
Informed Consent - Fact sheet for clinicians from the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care
Reference to any specific views, information or opinions does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation by the Physiotherapy Council of NSW (the Council). The views, information or opinions expressed by individuals in podcast episodes are their own and do not necessarily reflect the view(s) of the Council. The Council does its best to ensure information is complete, relevant and up to date, but is not responsible for verifying the accuracy of all information shared by individuals
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Managing patient dissatisfaction & complaints
How can physiotherapists manage and minimise patient dissatisfaction and complaints?Â
And what can you do if a patient does make a complaint?
Our expert panel discuss ways to help you avoid turning that unhappy patient encounter into a complaint to the regulator.Â
Elizabeth Ward - President of the Physiotherapy Council of NSW
Toni Andary - Deputy President of the Physiotherapy Council of NSW
Janene Eagleton is a community member on the Physiotherapy Council of NSW and expert in managing patient and aged-care resident complaints.
The primary function of the Physiotherapy Council is to look after the health and safety of the public by managing complaints about registered Physiotherapy practitioners and students in NSW. The Council also strives to provide education to physiotherapists, and a health pathway back into the profession for those physiotherapists whose health has affected their ability to practice safely.
For the AHPRA shared code of conduct :
For information if a complaint is made about you within NSW :
For information if a complaint is made about you outside NSW :
NSW Physiotherapy Council video education series of sliding doors scenarios of common complaints which come to Council:
*Reference to any specific views, information or opinions does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation by the Physiotherapy Council of NSW (the Council). The views, information or opinions expressed by individuals in podcast episodes are their own and do not necessarily reflect the view(s) of the Council. The Council does its best to ensure information is complete, relevant and up to date, but is not responsible for verifying the accuracy of all information shared by individuals.
This podcast series has been developed by the Physiotherapy Council of NSW (the Council). It features special guests who are experts in their field.
The information provided by this podcast series is aimed at sharing views and expert advice in relation to regulation, health and wellbeing and other issues physiotherapists are facing in their professional and personal lives. For more about the work of the Council, visit