‘Seeing the full picture’ is a special podcast series about systems thinking for health systems strengthening from the Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Re...
Episode 5: Systems thinking: political and policy challenges
This episode looks at the implementation challenges of systems thinking, in particular the political economy of adopting a systems thinking approach to health sector reforms, agenda setting and policy implementation. We speak to two policy makers about their experience using systems thinking to develop collaborations and partnerships, and to achieve consensus.
Guests: Midori de Habich, former Minister of Health, PeruAndrew Leigh MP, Shadow Assistant Minister for Treasury and Charities and Federal Member for Fenner in the Australian Capital Territory
Episode 4: LMIC experiences in systems thinking
This episode draws on the experiences of two practitioners using systems thinking in low and middle income country contexts. We speak to two medical doctors about their work in India and in Syria, get insight from real-world applications, discuss challenges related to resources, training, environment, power, short term vs long term considerations. Guests:Abdulkarim Ekzayez, epidemiologist, and research associate at King's College London Prashanth N S, Lead of the Health Equity Cluster and DBT/Wellcome Trust India Alliance Fellow, Institute of Public Health, Bengaluru
Episode 3: The science – and art – of systems thinking in health
This episode considers how 'systems thinking' tools, methods and approaches have been used in health policy and systems research, and how systems thinking is both 'art' and 'science'. We speak to two experts with experience applying systems thinking in a variety of health contexts and ask 'what represents 'scientific rigour' in health systems science?'. Guests: Karl Blanchet, Director of the Geneva Centre of Humanitarian Studies, University of Geneva, and co-editor of Systems thinking for health systems strengthening: a methodological handbookKara Durski, epidemiologist and systems thinker affiliated with the World Health Organization and the School of Public Health at the University of Minnesota
Episode 2: Background to systems thinking
This episode considers how 'systems thinking' tools, methods and approaches have been used in different fields. We speak to two leaders in applying systems thinking to business and organizational issues. The discussion covers the background to systems thinking, overcoming challenges, importance of building a foundation for change, notions of linear evaluation, some real-world failures and successes, and how current events demonstrate the need for systems thinking on a global scale. Guests: David Peter Stroh, Founding Director of Applied Systems ThinkingMichael Goodman, Founding Director of Applied Systems Thinking
Episode 1: Alliance foundations in systems thinking: why then, what now?
This episode looks back to the publication of the 2009 Alliance Flagship report: Systems thinking for health systems strengthening to understand the motivations and needs for such a resource at that time. We speak to members from the Alliance, then and now, about what’s happened since the report and consider what opportunities systems thinking has for strengthening health systems today.
Guests:Don de Savigny, epidemiologist and health systems specialist, and co-editor of Systems thinking for health systems strengthening: a methodological handbookTaghreed Adam, Scientist in the Research for Health Department, World Health Organization, and co-editor of Systems thinking for health systems strengthening: a methodological handbookAku Kwamie, Technical Officer at the Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research, World Health Organization
‘Seeing the full picture’ is a special podcast series about systems thinking for health systems strengthening from the Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research. It was developed with the George Institute for Global Health.
System thinking is described as a way of seeing; an approach towards problem-solving that considers problems in the context of the wider system and places an emphasis on the interdependencies across systems components, instead of focusing on individual components on their own. It is applied widely in different industries and holds significant value for strengthening health systems.
There are five episodes in the series:
Episode 1 – Alliance foundations in systems thinking: Why then, what now?
Episode 2 – Background to systems thinking;
Episode 3 – The science -and art - of systems thinking in health;
Episode 4 – Low and middle-income country experiences in systems thinking;
Episode 5 – Systems thinking: political and policy challenges.
Each episode is approximately 45 minutes, to enable in-depth conversations around key topics.
We hope this series will inspire you to consider the relevance of these approaches in your work, and that listeners will go on to be part of a new generation of practitioners and researchers advocating for the importance of systems thinking in strengthening health systems globally.