Tune in to here John talk about his trip to Alton Towers and the Scotland Whiskey Dark Ride while he was on vacation
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LogRide App adds ParkPals
Watch on YT: https://youtu.be/X9tx0JfEOyc
Get the app and videos at:
Subscribe, like, or review the podcast in your podcast player of choice. Head over to https://ThrillSeekersPodcast.com for all the links to the socials, past shows, and of course show notes details and links.
Look inside American Coaster Enthusiasts
We are I'm honored to have Amber Lightbody, Southwest Regional Rep for American Coaster Enthusiasts
[00:20] The role of the regional rep
[02:30] Amber’s origin story, when did you know you were interested in the park
[04:45] The school project where she found American Coaster Enthusiasts #RideWithUs
[08:00] Family and the Parks
[12:45] Parks around Colorado
[16:00] General thoughts on ACE Events
[21:00] Other passions within ACE
[23:00] How to get involved
Follow ACE Southwest: https://www.aceonline.org/members/group.aspx?id=88393
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ACESouthwest/
~Regional Rep~ Amber J. Lightbody
Assistant Regional Rep - Kevin E. Knapp & Kevin Manwarren
Theme Park Hunting
Thrill Seekers Podcast is honored to have Hunter from On the Hunt Podcast and Theme Park Hunting for another Social Spotlight
What on YT: https://youtu.be/dy0SSW5LKQ4
[01:00] Let's start with Hunter’s YT channel - starting in 2017 #ThemeParkHunting
[04:00] #OrlandoFreefall
What If vs TPH productions (I like it’s split off)
[05:45] #IceBreaker
If you missed the interview with Will on launching IceBreaker:
[10:50] Origin Story - First coaster at age 3 (Coaster challenge podcast)
[16:20] Be Brave Challenge - Regional rep. Thrills United
[23:15] Behind the Scene creating the “What If” series
[34:00] Rewind back to #IronGwazi
[37:00] ConectedByCoaster Story
Follow Hunter:
https://www.youtube.com/c/TPHProductionss/ (Off Ride)
Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/on-the-hunt/id1557156671
Subscribe, like, or review the podcast in your podcast player of choice. Head over to https://ThrillSeekersPodcast.com for all the links to the socials, past shows, and of course show notes details and links.
[BONUS Money Monday] M1 Finance Cash Back with Brendon Evans
Disclaimer, this Bonus Social Spotlight is a bit off topic targeting travel tacking
We are honored to have Brendan of YT Brendan Evens - Watch on YT: https://youtu.be/0W3OWxUW4_s
[00:55] M1 Finance Overview #M1Finance
M1 Finance 2-Year Review (The Good, The Bad, and The Rating)
[02:20] M1 Invest – John follows the simple path to wealth strategy (including Custodial)
[03:35] M1 Spend - Blend of a checking account and an escrow account
[05:00] M1 Credit Card #CashBack
Read more on John CashBack: https://www.parkswithpoints.com/p/cashback.html
[08:00] Leveraging M1 Spend to auto pay your CCs in full every month
[08:50] Bonus credit card limitations
[15:50] M1 Spend Smart Transfers
Please jump over to Brendan’s channel to dive in more - Channel links:
TY: https://www.youtube.com/c/BrendanEvan
IG: https://www.instagram.com/brendan_fitnessandmoney
Subscribe to the show in your podcast tool of choice, star, like, subscribe, and review. Like always you can head over to https://ThrillSeekersPodcast.com for all the links to the socials, past shows, and of course show notes, details and links.