"Its not a Tumour" Paeds case study with Dr Siobhann Ritson
This episode i sat down with ED consultant Dr Siobhann Ritson and discussed an interesting case and talked about simulation. Siobhann works in a mixed emergency department and is also a Director of medical training in the emergency department. The episode was predominately focused around and interesting paediatric case and how cases can evolve whilst patients are in the ED. We also discussed simulation and Siobhan gave us some tips for running a good simulation.
Case notes
- Potts puffy tumour radiopedia
click here to view https://radiopaedia.org/articles/pott-puffy-tumor-1
-Pott's puffy tumor: A comprehensive review of the literature
- Rohde, R. L., North, L. M., Murray, M., Khalili, S., & Poetker, D. M. (2022). Pott's puffy tumor: A comprehensive review of the literature. American journal of otolaryngology, 43(5), 103529.
Urgent care vs ED with Nurse Practitioner Al Hodge
This episode I sat down with the experienced emergency nurse practitioner Al Hodge to discuss his new venture into the urgent care space. Al discussed the future of nurse practitioners and the reason why nurse practitioners are useful in urgent cares environments and emergency departments. Within the episode we also discussed a clinical case and how good decision-making can save lives. Al is also a successful Sydney based author. His books are focused within the genres of horror, thriller and fantasy.
Show notes
* Al hodge instrgram
instagram - shire doctors and dentists- Al Hodge
* Al hodge- Books
- amazon.com.au - Cryptid-Killers-Alister-Hodge- click to buy
- amazon.com.au- Plague-War-Outbreak-Alister-Hodge-ebook- click to listen or buy
Anaphylaxis - Dr Ben McKenzie
On this episode I spoke with Dr Ben McKenzie about anaphylaxis and about his AMAX4 guideline. Ben is an emergency physician based in Melbourne. On the episode we discussed the new guideline and how ben likes to approach the critical anaphylaxis patient. On the episode we also spoke about the tragic loss of ben son Max to anaphylaxis, which’s has been a driving force for ben in his approach to the early identification/management of serve anaphylaxis.
Show notes
AMAX4 guidline
* https://www.amax4.org - click this link to follow
* SIMULATION -AMAX4 - https://www.amax4.org/simulation
”Wingin it” with Steph Wise- ICP Paramedic
"Wingin it with Steph Wise " is all about being at the right place at the right time with the right person and the right brains. On this episode I sat down with the amazing Intensive Care Paramedic Steph and talked about a clinical cardiac arrest case that she attended. Steph responded to a job in Sydney south Sydney and what was initial just a trip and fall turned into something a little more.
Topics such as cardiac arrest, good sam app, resilience and laughter were all spoken about through the episode. The episode will bring a tear to your eye and also a lot of laughter.
Case notes
https://www.goodsamapp.org - Good sam app - click to follow
- post cardiac arrest care - https://litfl.com/post-cardiac-arrest-care/W
High performance in trauma and prehospital care - Dr Jamie Moran
If you want to know how to deliver a high performance approach to your role in the emergency and prehospital space, then this episode is for you. Dr Jamie Moran Emergency and Prehospital physician, discusses his approach to delivering high performance care to patients in any sphere. Themes such as people/culture, individualality, world class basics and being authentic were raised. The episode will leave you with some points to take home and develop in your own context.
*Viscoelastic haemostatic assay augmented protocols for major trauma haemorrhage (ITACTIC): a randomized, controlled trial. Intensive Care Medicine, 47, 49-59. click this link to read
*Why are bleeding trauma patients still dying? click link to read
* /the-high-performance-podcast/- click link to follow