In each episode of the Secrets from the Green Room podcast hosts Irma Gold and Karen Viggers chat with a writer about their experience of the writing and publis...
Karen and Irma chat about the challenges of being able to accept praise. Then Irma talks with Katherine Collette about how co-hosting The First Time podcast was life-changing, her most excruciating experience with the podcast, the excitement of overseas deals for her debut novel and the huge low that followed, how the US market differs from the ANZ market, the secrecy around book sales, the challenges in moving from writing books for adults to writing for kids, how to write humour on the page, how to navigate the emotional headspace of writing, the best and worst advice she’s received, the odd liminal space that unpublished writers can exist in for years when they are ‘not quite there yet’, the key things debut authors commonly don’t understand when they enter the publishing process, and why she doesn’t think social media promo makes much difference to sales. About KatherineKatherine Collette has written two novels for adults, The Helpline and The Competition. She has also written and illustrated Out of Bounds, the first in the children’s book series The Too Tall Tales of Alma T Best, and was co-host of The First Time podcast. She is a former engineer and current writing coach.
Season 5: Episode 58: Cate Kennedy
Irma and Karen chat about the changing shape of the Australian publishing industry as small publishers are bought up by larger publishing houses. Then Karen talks to short-story maestro Cate Kennedy about how she came to be a writer and then a teacher of writing, how writing (and reading) a short story is like plunging deep into a diving pool, how her career took off after having a story published in a 9/11 commemorative edition of the New Yorker, how she wrote a novel because of an offer she couldn’t refuse, what makes a character interesting, how judging prizes has changed her writing, how to overcome procrastination and slumps in confidence, and how a mystery person served her a cup of tea in a green room.About CateCate Kennedy is an award-winning short-story writer of two collections, Dark Roots, and also Like a House on Fire, which was shortlisted for the inaugural Stella Prize. Cate has also written poetry, a travel memoir Sing and Don’t Cry, and a novel, The World Beneath, which won the People’s Choice Award in the NSW Premier’s Literary Awards. Cate is an incredible teacher of creative writing. She also works as a writing teacher and advisor on the faculty of Pacific University’s MFA in Creative Writing Program in Portland, Oregon. She lives in Castlemaine, Victoria.
Season 5: Episode 57: Bob Brown
Irma and Karen chat about their top books from the last 12 months. Then Karen chats with lifelong activist and former politician Bob Brown about why writing is so important to activism, why storytelling with intent is important, how he approached writing his memoir, why the practice of writing notes while out in nature is key, the ways in which writing fiction is important in getting people to think about other lives and issues, why he’s given up writing his speeches, the ways in which hope sustains him, how collaboration with other artists is fundamental to his work, and his friendship with Richard Flanagan.About Bob:Bob Brown is a former politician and leader of the Australian Greens party. He’s also an environmentalist and activist. Bob was a founder of the Wilderness Society and a key campaigner to save the Franklin River from being dammed. Since then, Bob has campaigned tirelessly on many social justice and environmental issues, including the establishment of protected wilderness areas, the preservation of native forests, threatened and endangered species, and action on climate change and human rights. Bob has written a number of books for different audiences, including memoir, poetry, children’s fiction, travel, and stunning photo books.
Ubud Readers and Writers Festival Special Series: Episode 56: Omar Musa
In a special series direct from the Ubud Writers and Readers Festival (UWRF) Omar Musa chats with Irma about how growing up in an artistic family set his course, why he stopped reading and writing during a dark period and how a new form of expression saved him, the ways in which earning a living from the thing you love can be deeply problematic, why winning the Australian Poetry Slam took him to UWRF and was a gateway into the literary world, why he wants to challenge his own assumptions and biases through his work, why he found it so difficult to go from poetry to writing his first novel, what it’s like collaborating with his cellist wife, and how he deals with deep fear and self-doubt.About OmarOmar Musa is a Bornean-Australian author, visual artist and poet. He has released four poetry books, four hip-hop records, and a novel, Here Come the Dogs, which was long-listed for the International Dublin Literary Award and Miles Franklin Award. In 2015, he was named one of the Sydney Morning Herald’s Young Novelists of the Year. His one-man play, Since Ali Died, won Best Cabaret Show at the Sydney Theatre Awards in 2018. He has had several solo exhibitions of his woodcut prints, and his most recent book, Killernova, combines prints and poetry. His next novel Fierceland is out 2025, and here at the Ubud Writers and Readers festival he is performing The Offering with cellist Mariel Roberts.
Ubud Writers and Readers Festival 2024: Episode 55: Bora Chung
In a special series direct from the Ubud Writers and Readers Festival Bora Chung chats with Irma about how she wrote her first short story solely for prize money but it eventually led to a short fiction collection that was shortlisted for the Booker Prize, why her publisher thought an approach from Anton Hur to translate her collection into English was a scam, what it was like to be at the Booker Prize ceremony and the strange thing every judge said to her, how the Booker has impacted her career, why she doesn’t translate her own work into English even though she is a translator herself, the future of AI in terms of both writing and translation, why she translates books just for fun without the promise of a publishing contract, and why her Indian publisher recently submitting Your Utopia for a small Indian prize has meant more to her than shortlisting for the Booker.About BoraBora Chung has written four novels and six collections of short stories. In 2022, her collection Cursed Bunny was shortlisted for the Booker Prize. In 2023, it was a finalist in the U.S. National Book Award for Translated Literature. She has an MA in Russian and East European studies from Yale University, and a PhD in Slavic literature from Indiana University. She has taught Russian language and literature and science fiction studies at Yonsei University, and translates modern literary works from Russian and Polish into Korean.
In each episode of the Secrets from the Green Room podcast hosts Irma Gold and Karen Viggers chat with a writer about their experience of the writing and publishing process in honest green room-style, uncovering some of the plain and simple truths, as well as some of the secrets – whether they be mundane or salubrious – and having a lot of fun in the process.