16. People Pleaser REHAB
Salam to all my fellow people pleasers, You probably clicked on this video in hopes that I can fix you.. I can’t, but what I CAN do is hopefully make you feel safe, SEEN, and heard in your people pleasing journey. As muslims we value kindness highly, but we must also take care of ourselves in order to be able to give to others. That means setting boundaries, self reflection, and resetting people’s expectations of you. We are in this TOGETHER, Wherever You’re At 🩵.Join us in the PATREON for the bonus segment and more content! 🫂👩❤️💋👩www.patreon.com/podcastwyaRemember to keep our brothers and sisters in around the world in your duas. May Allah protect them and allow us to be of help to them. 🤲🩵GAZA DONATION LINKS:https://gaza.hdfund.orghttps://www.gofundme.com/f/operationolivebranchSOCIALSMAIL:
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