The You Project is a 30-90 minute dose of inspiration and education hosted by Craig Harper with great stories, ideas, strategies and lessons from high-performer...
Pete Shepherd is one of Australia's premiere Corporate Speakers and Coaches, having worked with thousands of people, in a multitude of organisations and across different continents. He has an extremely user-friendly coaching style, a super listenable voice (you'll hear) and a gift for breaking down human behaviour and psychology into easy-to-understand (and operationalise) ideas, stories and concepts. Enjoy. *Just acknowledging that title of today's ep. is a homage to Seth Godin's book of the same title.humanperiscope.comSee for privacy information.
#1737 Making Sense Of Life - Dr Marc Cohen
Dr Marc Cohen is a Medical Doctor, University Professor, Researcher, Author, Entrepreneur and Wellness Trailblazer who also has two PhDs; one in Traditional Chinese Medicine and the other in Electrical and Computer Systems Engineering. Putting aside his obvious genius, he’s also a compassionate, kind, creative and generous individual, who’s fully committed to helping people become their best selves. He’s one of my favourite guests and the good news is, next year he will be a TYP regular. Enjoy.See for privacy information.
#1736 'The Commando' - Steve Willis
Hi Team, I’m caught up with work today but I’ll be back for the rest of the week with brand new episodes. This is a chat I had a while back with 'The Commando', I really enjoyed it, I think you will too. *Not gonna lie, I wasn’t sure what to expect going into a conversation with ‘The Commando’. Interestingly, it didn’t happen. I ended up chatting with Steve Willis, the deep-thinking, interesting, somewhat-introverted ex-soldier, who happened to be on the telly for a decade or so. I really enjoyed our conversation.See for privacy information.
#1735 Mediocre Me - Harps
Growing up, I was the poster boy for mediocrity; not gifted genetically, academically, creatively or intellectually, as well as being the obese kid with terrible choices, habits, behaviours and of course, outcomes. Not exactly a winner. Fortunately for me, I had a few experiences in my teens which stimulated my curiosity and truly opened my eyes and understanding to a thing called 'human potential'. I became obsessed with trying to understand what was possible for me if I could learn how to 'out-perform' my own physiological, psychological and fear-based limitations (of which there were plenty). Well, many decades later my obsession and curiosity are still there, except these days my focus has expanded from 'me' to you (and the rest of the humans). Enjoy.See for privacy information.
#1734 Patrick's New Virtual Friend - Patrick Bonello
In this episode of TYP, Tiff and I got to meet Patrick's new friend who, despite being Al, was able to have an extremely real-sounding 'conversation' with our resident nerd mid-podcast and when I say 'extremely' real-sounding, I mean it's honestly hard to believe the evolution of 'Al conversation' , even over the last six months. Within a very short time, it will be almost impossible to distinguish between a human-to-human chat and a human-to-Al 'chat' (purely from an audio recording perspective). And that's both exciting and terrifying. We also chatted about a bazillion other things. Enjoy.See for privacy information.
The You Project is a 30-90 minute dose of inspiration and education hosted by Craig Harper with great stories, ideas, strategies and lessons from high-performers in sport, business, science, media and health.