Moment of Um is your daily answer to those questions that pop up out of nowhere and make you go… ummmmmmm. Brought to you by your friends at Brains On at APM St...
We love when our listeners send in super unique questions. We also love robots. So we had to answer this head-scratcher of a question from listener Lucas: why aren’t robots ticklish? We asked pediatrician Emma Gerstenzang to help us find the answer.Got a question that’s tickling your fancy? Send it to us at, and we’ll find the answer faster than a well-oiled machine!
What do scientists in Antarctica eat?
Antarctica. Home of the South Pole and an incredibly diverse population of sea life. You know what there’s not a lot of in Antarctica? People! But there are some adventurous scientists who go there for research. These folks can’t just zip out to the grocery store when they want to make a meal…so what do they eat? We asked scientist Cameron Hearn to help us find the answer.Got a question that’s just the tip of the iceberg? Send it to us at, and we’ll give you an ocean of knowledge!
Why do dogs like to roll in stinky things?
If you’ve ever taken a dog on a walk, or let them run around the woods, you know that they LOVE to roll around in stinky stuff! And it’s one heck of a mess to clean up. Why do they do that? We asked researcher Elizabeth Carranza from the Arizona Canine Cognition Center to help us find the answer.Got a question that’s rolling around in your brain? Send it to us at, and we’ll help sniff out the answer.
If dragons were real, how would they fly and breathe fire?
Dragons are fantastical fairytale creatures that fly and breathe fire. They aren’t real, but there are animals that can do the things dragons do! So … if dragons did exist, how would they fly and breathe fire? We asked science professor Dr. Mark Lorch to help us find the answer.Got a question that’s DRAGON you down? Send it to us at, and we’ll fire off an answer!
How does soil get made?
We know that soil helps many things grow -- but how is it made? It must come from somewhere, right? We talked to farmer Angel Papineu to find the answer. Got a question growing in your brain? Send it to us at, and we’ll dig for the truth!
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Moment of Um is your daily answer to those questions that pop up out of nowhere and make you go… ummmmmmm. Brought to you by your friends at Brains On at APM Studios.