Now celebrating its 8th year (Season 9), Talking Architecture & Design is Australia’s first B2B architecture podcast that regularly talks about a range of issue...
Episode 242: Davina Rooney, GBCA CEO explains why we have falling circular economy rates, the value of sustainability and TRANSFORM 2025
The Green Building Council of Australia (GBCA) represents 650+ members including individual companies with a collective annual turnover of more than $60 billion.CEO Davina Rooney, after 6 years at the helm, looks at what has been happening in the built environment in areas such as sustainability, circular economy and the role of the GBCA in the wider business sector.This exclusive interview was recore on-site at GBCAs TRANSFORM 2025 conference that was recently held in Sydney.
Episode 241: Tackling urban density, rediscovering the beauty of 1960s walk-up unit blocks & remembering Mulholland Drive with Tone Wheeler
On our 7th anniversary, in this episode of Talking Architecture & Design, we explore the evolving landscape of our cities and the ideas shaping how we live. Today, we’re tackling urban density and taking a fresh look at an often-overlooked housing model—the humble 1960s walk-up unit block.Architect, author, lecturer and urban thinker Tone Wheeler joins us to discuss why these mid-century apartments still hold so much potential in today’s housing crisis. From their efficient design and human-scale living to their adaptability for modern sustainability, we’ll explore how these buildings can offer a viable alternative to high-rise developments.Are these walk-ups a relic of the past or a blueprint for the future? Let’s find out.
Episode 240: Gerald Matthews on modern education design, heritage-rage and why doughnut-shaped planets can't exist
Gerald Mathews, the managing director of Matthews Architects, a practice which was founded by his father way back in 1975 in North Adelaide, South Australia.In this podcast, he talks about modern education design, heritage hysteria and why doughnut-shaped planets have no gravity in their centres..
Episode 239: Breaking barriers - Gray Puksand’s Maria Correia on women in architecture and leadership
In this special episode ahead of International Women's Day this March 8 and for her debut podcast for Talking Architecture & Design, our Digital Editor Clémence Carayol talks to Gray Puksand Lead Partner Maria Correia to discuss her journey as a woman in architecture, the challenges she faced, and the progress being made toward greater gender equality in the industry. At Gray Puksand, Maria Correia’s primary responsibility is to deliver relevant, innovative and intelligent design solutions that deliver results and exceed expectations. She has over 20 years’ experience working on interior design, retail design to brand and customer experience projects. Correia has worked in leading international brand and retail agencies from luxury, fashion, leisure, workspace, beauty, financial services and technology. As a strategic, creative thinker, she can move from strategy to creative solutions via insights, research and brainstorms to uncover the ‘big idea’. As a creative leader, she inspires teams of varying disciplines to distil the brand essence in order to deliver creative solutions that deliver results for clients.Download this inspiring conversation on leadership, design, and the evolving role of women in shaping our cities.
Episode 238: NSW Minister Rose Jackson and her plans to help our most vulnerable citizens with housing affordability
Rose Jackson is a Labor Member of the NSW Legislative Council and NSW Minister for Mental Health, Housing, Homelessness, Youth, Water, and the North Coast. Rose was elected to the Legislative Council in May 2019 and has been fighting for real action on climate change and tackling homelessness and housing affordability.Jackson has held a variety of roles within the labour and union movements including Assistant Secretary of NSW Labor and as an official for United Voice (formerly LHMU.)She recently took time out of her busy schedule to talk with us about what are the state government's upcoming plans for building new housing for some of our most vulnerable citizens.
Now celebrating its 8th year (Season 9), Talking Architecture & Design is Australia’s first B2B architecture podcast that regularly talks about a range of issues that affect Australia’s architects, building designers and built environment professionals. Run by Australia’s most popular architecture magazine, Architecture & Design, the Talking Architecture & Design podcast gives a regular bite-sized dose of what is important and sometimes what is just plain old interesting to anyone and everyone in the business of building design.