Caro's new career path at Channel 7
Caro tells us all about the move and why she has made the decision to work with Channel 7
What is the premise of the show, how Caro made the decision and who she discussed it with
We recognise International Women's Day
If you have feedback and questions - please email us at
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Caro’s new career
The new Ch 7 show
What it’s like to take on a new career move at a time when many contemporaries are retiring
Is it harder or easier for women to take on a new role at our age
THE COCKTAIL CABINET – brought to us by Prince Wine Store and Myles Thomson.
This week: In honour of International Women's Day March 8: Women winemakers
**Please Note** - No BSF This week - it will return for ep 347.
Corrie to Caro: What’s your biggest political football fear this year
Caro to Corrie: Which speech brought you to tears
Corrie to Caro: What perfect walk did you finally undergo this week
Caro to Corrie: March 1 was the 50th anniversary of which event
Corrie to Caro: Not that it’s a competition but…what is one thing that Melbourne clearly out-trumps Melbourne in
Caro to Corrie: What emoji would you like to introduce to your IPhone