Today on the show, Steven Scott and Shaun Preece are joined once again by Robin Christopherson to discuss various aspects of using Outlook, focusing on accessibility features, keyboard shortcuts, and tips for navigating the email and calendar functionalities. They explore common challenges faced by users, particularly those relying on screen readers, and provide practical solutions to enhance productivity. The discussion also touches on the importance of understanding the layout and features of Outlook to improve user experience. In this conversation, Steven also shares his frustrations with Windows File Explorer, with Robin offering tips for customizing it for better efficiency. The discussion also covers the benefits of Live Listen and AirPods Pro 2 for individuals with hearing impairments, as well as insights into a condition called ROSAH syndrome, a rare condition affecting vision and other health aspects. Robin talks about how he learned he had the syndrome and what’s happening to let others know about the research to find out more about it.Mentions:Robin’s Guide To Outlook -ROSAH Syndrome Information - Get in touch with Double Tap by emailing us
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