Hosted by comedian Alexis Gay with expert marketing commentary from Dr. Marcus Collins, Subcultural explores an array of niche, yet impactful communities. Cover...
Canine Couture: The Styling Journey of Tika the Iggy
How did a Montreal winter turn Tika the Iggy into a fashion icon? Thomas Shapiro reveals how Tika’s winter sweater led to runway fame and high-profile brand collaborations.
Royalty and Loyalty: Queen B and the BeyHive Phenomenon
How did the BeyHive become a global force? In this episode, we explore the evolution of Beyoncé’s devoted fanbase. Dr. Collins interviews Deron Jordan, King of the Beyhive, to discuss Queen B’s influence on pop culture and how this passionate community unites to celebrate her artistry, defend her from critics, and amplify her impact worldwide.
Face of the Future: Afrofuturism through Makeup
Can makeup tell a sci-fi story? Afrofuturism uses beauty to craft cosmic looks and imagine ancestral-inspired futures in a Wakandan-like universe.
Waves to Streams: New Pirate Radio
How did pirate radio go from illegal airwaves to online streams? In this episode, we dive deep into the underground history of pirate radio, from its rebellious beginnings to its digital reinvention. Peter Baxter, founder of Hope Street Radio, shares how this once-outlawed form of broadcasting has adapted to legal, community-focused platforms while preserving its subversive spirit.
The Story of Us: Miss Americana and her Swifties
Can Swifties cause an earthquake? Two fans explore how Taylor Swift’s followers shake up the charts and redefine fan-celebrity dynamics.
Hosted by comedian Alexis Gay with expert marketing commentary from Dr. Marcus Collins, Subcultural explores an array of niche, yet impactful communities. Covering topics from Maximalism to ASMR, we’ll investigate what drives subcultures, and uncover why understanding motivation matters when trying to reach specific audiences.