We have a chat about our experience at the Mordheim Australis event.We also talk about Warhammer Skirmish, a great way to play fun, narrative games of Warhammer if you're short on time.
Episode 20 - Mordheim
We revisit the City of the Damned!
Hear about all the funny/tragic ways our heroes have got themselves killed in our campaigns, our favourite weapon options, and the real cost of obtaining a Gromril Flail!
Episode 19 - Dogs of War
In this episode we talk about the hired guns of the Warhammer World - Dogs of War!
Featuring special guest Mercenary General Angus of Tilea, who shares his many years of battlefield experience with the Dogs.
Join us as we discuss:
- Which units cost a ridiculous amount of points.
- Alex's first ever game of Warhammer (he didn't field Tichi-Huichi's raiders).
- More units which cost too many points.
- How and why Dogs of War are like Savage Orcs.
- Did we mention that a lot of the units cost a crazy amount of points?!
Episode 18 - Orcs & Goblins Army Book Review
We discuss the 6th Edition Warhammer Orcs & Goblins army book.
Find out:
- Best uses for different Warboss types
- Which magic items Alex believes are overcosted
- Advanced tactics for the use of Snotlings
- Did Frank really mow the lawns at his mum's house?
And much more!
Episode 17 - Burn the ships!
In this episode:
- Results of the second battle in our campaign, where the dastardly Lizardmen brazenly attack the High Elf naval fleet
- Old White Dwarf reviews! Battle reports and articles from the distant past