AWW25: No Place Like Home - Brooke Boland, Winnie Dunn and Lia Hills
With Carody Culver.There’s no place like home, although home isn’t always a place. It could be a feeling, an instinct, a language, a person, a memory; it could be somewhere we long to return to or can’t wait to escape. Join Griffith Review 87 contributors Brooke Boland, Winnie Dunn and Lia Hills as they explore the myriad material consequences of home, from the picket fence to the political arena, in conversation with editor Carody Culver.Event details:Thu 06 Mar, 5:00pm | West Stage
AWW25: Leaps of Faith - Ceridwen Dovey and Zeynab Gamieldien
With Carody Culver.Whether it’s religious, political, societal, philosophical or spiritual in nature, the act of believing can be a lodestar, a comfort, a ritual, a guiding principle or a reason for living. Join Griffith Review 86 contributors Ceridwen Dovey and Zeynab Gamieldien as they explore what faith can tell us about our desires, our values and ourselves, in conversation with editor Carody Culver.Event details:Thu 06 Mar, 3:45pm | West Stage
AWW25: Putin’s War on Women - Sofi Oksanen
With Jo Case.Sofi Oksanen, librettist for Innocence, acclaimed Finnish playwright and bestselling novelist blends family history and journalistic rigour in Same River, Twice to reveal Russia’s history of weaponising sexual violence against women – and its links to genocide in Ukraine, misogyny within Russia itself and imperialism on the world stage. Under Putin, she tells Jo Case, women are under threat.Event details:Thu 06 Mar, 2:30pm | West Stage
AWW25: How Johnny Voghel Escaped a Dead-End Job - Leo Robson
With Lauren Oyler.Leo Robson is a well-known British essayist and critic who has just written his first novel, The Boys. He talks to Lauren Oyler about writing a comedy about confusion and loss – a generational saga that takes place over a fortnight.Event details:Thu 06 Mar, 1:15pm | West Stage
AWW25: Grief - Nova Weetman
With Jonathan Green.According to Marcel Proust, “grief develops the power of the mind.” Jonathan Green tests the proposition with Nova Weetman, who has written a memoir, Love, Death and Other Scenes, about the death of her partner, the playwright Aiden Fennessy, during COVID.Event details:Thu 06 Mar, 12:00pm | West Stage