Free Crush Live Poker Podcast No. 158: Combolicious; Don't Allow Them to Check Behind
This week bart takes a look at a few situations that involve what he calls "combo bets" and goes over a hand at the end of the podcast that demonstrates a key concept that will increase your winrate in live poker.
Free Crush Live Poker Podcast No. 157: Examining River Check Raises for Value
Bart takes a look at some close check raise river lines for value. He also discusses other spots dealing with thin value and bet sizing tells.
Free Crush Live Poker Podcast No. 156: Same Session; Different Games Part 2
Bart continues a review of a session where he played a mix of stakes and in this episode he speaks a lot on multiway theory
Free Crush Live Poker Podcast No. 155: Same Session; Different Games
This week Bart cover a clump of hands where he plays 2/2 PLO, 2/5 NLHE and 5/10NLHE. He was gifted a large pot at 5/10 when his opponent slowplayed his hand to death then made a huge mistake trying to get an opponent off of a chop, illogically.
Free Crush Live Poker Podcast No. 154: Extracting Max from Small Stacks
This week Bart reviews a clump of hands played from a rare Saturday afternoon session at the Encore in Boston Harbor. In this session he encounters several situations which required a bit of creativity in order to get the maximum value against opponents with smaller stacks.