A desert sandstorm ends with a climb up a skyscraper-sized cactus. Join Costa, the Gardening Australia Junior crew and a giant rat as they discover why cacti are covered in spines.
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Magic Compost: Chasing weed seeds
A carpet of prickles is taking over the school playground. Join Costa, the Gardening Australia Junior crew and an enormous poodle as they track down the source of their weedy woes.
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Magic Compost: Bouncing between blooms
Flowers transform into trampolines and tunnels with a sprinkle of magic compost! Join Costa, the Gardening Australia Junior crew, a long-tongued moth, and a blue-banded bee as they explore all the different shapes of flowers.
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Introducing Gardening Australia Junior: Magic Compost
Have you ever soared through the sky on a butterfly's back? Crawled through termite tunnels? Bounced on flower petals like trampolines? Now you can, with a sprinkle of Costa's magic compost! Join Costa and the Gardening Australia Junior crew discovering the secrets of the natural world as it's transformed into an enormous adventure wonderland.
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Gardening Buds 06 What happens after you plant your garden?
Today’s the big day! Caylee and Costa plant Caylee’s seedlings, and set-up her garden. But that’s the easy part – the tricky part is looking after your plants, and keeping them happy and healthy.After listening, Costa challenges you to plant your very own garden. Whether you've got a big backyard, a balcony, or a little pot on a windowsill it's time to get gardening. Then, use our helpful Gardening Buds Diary to help you learn from and take care of your garden.