A collection of near-death experience (NDE) stories from individuals who have crossed over to the other side and returned, offering glimpses of what lies beyond...
Bill Dolan - TV Producer Dies; Enters Into Eternity And Meets Creator Of The Universe (NDE)
On January 28, 1999, Bill Dolan’s heart stopped mid-flight, launching him into a life-changing near-death experience. Crossing the threshold from time into eternity, Bill was thrust into the overwhelming presence of God—not a stern, judgmental figure he feared, but a divine embodiment of unconditional love. This encounter revealed that God is not only aware of us but is deeply in love with each of us, celebrating our existence. Returning to life with a renewed understanding, Bill now cherishes each breath as a gift and encourages others to live with purpose and love.
Daniel Berdichevsky - Man Dies And Is Shown The Truth About Time: Past, Future and Present (Shocking NDE)
Daniel Reshevsky recounts a profound near-death experience at age 19 after suffering from unexplained medical issues. During this experience, he left his body, observed the world from above, connected with human consciousness, and entered a realm of golden light filled with unconditional love, timelessness, and spiritual truths. Upon returning to his body, he experienced physical healing and a transformed perspective on life.
Check Out Daniel's YouTube Channel Here 👉 https://www.youtube.com/user/peeyavochka
For more NDE stories, visit our YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/@TheOtherSideNDEYT
Lewis Griggs - Man Is Shown Life’s Purpose & The Source Of Existence In Shocking (NDE)
Today's story is of life after death when Lewis Griggs crossed over and visited heaven and the afterlife. Born and raised in Minneapolis/St. Paul, Lewis earned both an Amherst BA in Political Science and a Stanford MBA in Entrepreneurial Management. In addition, Lewis became a Certified Professional Co-Active Leadership Coach, and for a decade has led and facilitated Spiritual groups after having recovered and learned much from now three Near Death Experiences.
⭐ Check Out More Of Lewis's NDE Near Death Experience 👉 www.Griggs.com
Go to https://www.youtube.com/user/GriggsProductions/playlists to see his Diversity Equity & Inclusion interviews, and his TEDx talk ‘The Gift of Near Death’ and the documentary ‘Beyond Our Sight’.
Lewis's contact info: www.LinkedIn.com/in/LewisBrownGriggs
[email protected]
For The Other Side NDE Videos Visit ▶️ youtube.com/@TheOtherSideNDEYT
Sean Jacobs - Dead For 13 Minutes, Man Witnesses The Beginning Of Time And The Creation Of Reality (NDE)
In 2021, Sean Jacobs experienced a near-death event that transported him to a realm of non-duality and infinite love, beyond time and form. Merging with "God Consciousness," he underwent a life review, feeling both the joy and impact of his life from others' perspectives. In this space of unity, Sean realized that love is the fabric of reality, and we are all manifestations of the same divine source. Returning to his body, deeply transformed, Sean now shares his experience to inspire others to recognize the boundless love and oneness within themselves.
For The Other Side NDE Videos Visit ▶️ youtube.com/@TheOtherSideNDEYT
Amber Baker - Woman Dies; Gets Shown The Powerful Truth About Mindset And Beliefs (NDE)
In 2018, Amber Baker, struggling with severe asthma and emotional turmoil, experienced a miraculous near-death event. Surrounded by Archangel Michael, Mother Mary, and her grandmother in spirit, she received divine healing and a profound realization of her boundless nature as part of Source energy. Over three consecutive nights, Amber’s awareness expanded, releasing deep emotional traumas and activating her true divine essence, culminating in a spiritual rebirth. Now a healer, medium, and spiritual mentor, Amber helps others awaken their divine light and live free from limiting beliefs.
Amber's Instagram:
Amber's Website
Amber's Podcast:Your Light is Fearless
For The Other Side NDE Videos Visit ▶️ youtube.com/@TheOtherSideNDEYT
A collection of near-death experience (NDE) stories from individuals who have crossed over to the other side and returned, offering glimpses of what lies beyond life. Our goal is to bring these powerful experiences to light and raise global awareness about the profound impact of NDEs.
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