The Ugly Truth About The Girl Next Door tells the story of a suburban, middle class girl who was trafficked and sexually exploited for decades starting even bef...
In this episode, we consider recent events and how to deal with the emotional impact. Bottom line.....we ALL have a stand for the we STAY.ON.MISSION. As we consider this we look to the example of Miep and Jan Gies....the Dutch couple who protected Ann Frank and her family.
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Are you part of the solution or part of the problem?'s been a minute! In this episode we share what Mezzo Allies, Inc. has been passionately pursuing. We also talk about the importance of being willing to be speak up when injustice and ignorance are staring us in the face. We are either part of the solution or part of the problem.....there isn't much in the middle.
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Advocacy and Abuse in a Church Environment
In this episode we have a conversation with Abbi Nye and April Sochia about CFCtoo. CFCtoo is an organization committed to creating a safe space for survivors of Christian Fellowship Church in northern New York State. CFCtoo is also advocating for the passage of legislation requiring faith leaders to be mandated child abuse reporters in NY State.
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Conversation with Kimberly Haight from NY State Children's Alliance
In this episode we have a conversation about the current state of NY State laws regarding child abuse and the need for reform
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What is CONSENT and why does it matter?
In this episode we speak with Joyce Short who is the author of Your Consent – The Key to Conquering Sexual Assault and a TEDx Talk Presenter and Nina Lucas who lead Consent Awareness Network (CAN).
Joyce and Nina are on a mission to educate the public and legislators about the critical importance of having consent defined in our laws. Click the link to visit CAN's website
The Ugly Truth About The Girl Next Door tells the story of a suburban, middle class girl who was trafficked and sexually exploited for decades starting even before the age of 6 years old