#26- That 2025 New Year New You Energy: Subtle Changes Over Massive Intentions, Being Real With Yourself and The Steps To Unconscious Competence
Welcome to the first episode of 2025! Whether you’re stepping into the new year with grand resolutions or subtle shifts, know this: growth isn’t linear (it can be way messy sis!) You might take 12 steps forward and then 7 steps back, or even 1 step forward and 3 steps back- can you let that all be part of the process? The ladies are here to give you some GREAT perspectives to use when boss-babeing your way through 2025.This year, focus on being the guardian at the gate of your own mind, being discerning about what you consume, and facing all those self-sabotaging patterns that love to pop up when you’re leveling up!We’ll dive into what’s real for Veronica right now. She reflects on having less certainty than the year before, thanks to all the massive life changes. And guess what? That’s totally okay. It’s normal for it to take time to land in a new identity. We're leading from the front with our messiness too — navigating the ups and downs, the “unconscious tests,” and every part of the learning process.We’ll explore the 4 stages of learning: from unconscious incompetence, to conscious incompetence, conscious competence, and finally, unconscious competence. We also remind you, we’re all reparenting ourselves, so can you be compassionate and patient on the ride to being the best version of you? Check in with that inner voice, by asking, "What do you need right now?" ya? V also shares a powerful frame to hold after deciding to make big changes in your life or identity, “You’re closer that you have ever been to what you want!” (even if it’s hard to see).It’s time to get real, challenge old patterns, celebrate the micro steps and enjoy the adventure all along the way! Stay human, stay present and keep going, sis!Want to make NOW the time for YOU to Reclaim Love or your LIFE?~ Coaching with Elly: Reach out to her on Instagram @ellymiles or visit her websitehttps://ellymiles.podia.com/~ Coaching with V at Veronica Jayne Coaching and Mentoring: Enquire directly HERE , check out current offers on her website www.veronicajayne.com or connect on Instagram @veronicajayne_ WATCH the Podcast on You Tube @reclaiminglovepodcast